Eve Drewelowe's journals, volumes II-III, 1950s
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36. not without its reward, a gathering of material has always been a weak spot with me. The acquisition of sketch-books and portfolios of information has ever stood me in good stead for I am always drawing on the fund of sketches therein. It seems unlikely that I can ever develop all this original material for I am always out gathering new and fresh experiences. Certainly I am vulnerable greedy and [grasping?] and excitedly stimulated in acquiring new knowledge. There really should be no limits to the fund of material collected by an artist for it is never possible to have too great a wealth in the storehouse. An artist must be ever keenly alive and receptive to new stimuli and freshly perceived situations, otherwise he may quickly fossilize and lose his effectiveness. The bundle of nervous energy which is I was always the most active [insert: a young thing, all aquiver with life] played the hardest and had the most fun of any child romping in the playground. In the enchanted pursuit - of that which is called life - triangles torn from the frocks and the panties were evermore being left behind as evidence of the whirlwind passing of a dashing mad-cap. I was always
36. not without its reward, a gathering of material has always been a weak spot with me. The acquisition of sketch-books and portfolios of information has ever stood me in good stead for I am always drawing on the fund of sketches therein. It seems unlikely that I can ever develop all this original material for I am always out gathering new and fresh experiences. Certainly I am vulnerable greedy and [grasping?] and excitedly stimulated in acquiring new knowledge. There really should be no limits to the fund of material collected by an artist for it is never possible to have too great a wealth in the storehouse. An artist must be ever keenly alive and receptive to new stimuli and freshly perceived situations, otherwise he may quickly fossilize and lose his effectiveness. The bundle of nervous energy which is I was always the most active [insert: a young thing, all aquiver with life] played the hardest and had the most fun of any child romping in the playground. In the enchanted pursuit - of that which is called life - triangles torn from the frocks and the panties were evermore being left behind as evidence of the whirlwind passing of a dashing mad-cap. I was always
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries