Eve Drewelowe's journals, volumes II-III, 1950s
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55. dancing once or twice during the week. This constituted the activities of well rounded days spent at the University. After the freshman year at college, two class-mates and I spent the vacation interlude in a city where a nationally known sanitarium is located. And as usual while there I availed myself of the so called opportunities - which in the light of greater knowledge and more experience seem highly questionable. Among other things we took physical education, swam and attended classes in personal hygiene and basketry. The personal hygiene class was taught by an elderly physician. He stressed particularly the importance of daily, elimination, or rather three bowel movements a day, and the grave necessity to eat bran to increase the waste bulk for bigger and better feces. It did not seem to occur to him that bran eating might be a dangerous practice. He made no exceptions regardless of individual differences or constitutional makeups. Neither did it occur to him to consider bran as an irritant. It has been proved without any doubt that few human beings, if any, can take quantities of bran with impunity; to say nothing about the rest of us - my kind of person with
55. dancing once or twice during the week. This constituted the activities of well rounded days spent at the University. After the freshman year at college, two class-mates and I spent the vacation interlude in a city where a nationally known sanitarium is located. And as usual while there I availed myself of the so called opportunities - which in the light of greater knowledge and more experience seem highly questionable. Among other things we took physical education, swam and attended classes in personal hygiene and basketry. The personal hygiene class was taught by an elderly physician. He stressed particularly the importance of daily, elimination, or rather three bowel movements a day, and the grave necessity to eat bran to increase the waste bulk for bigger and better feces. It did not seem to occur to him that bran eating might be a dangerous practice. He made no exceptions regardless of individual differences or constitutional makeups. Neither did it occur to him to consider bran as an irritant. It has been proved without any doubt that few human beings, if any, can take quantities of bran with impunity; to say nothing about the rest of us - my kind of person with
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries