Eve Drewelowe's journals, volumes II-III, 1950s
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70. however, the "stomach-ache" had to subside of its own accord. A prescription was given me by this good doctor at the same time. It called for Adlein capsules to be taken in an emergency - when a similar situation might arise and a hypodermic might be unavailable. These capsules have never failed in their effectiveness, and it has been a good many years since I have had occasion to use any. But the fine man who prescribed them unfortunately took a better position - as these best physicians are likely to do, - and left our village. So in the future, his help could not be procured. During these first years, located as we were in the state where I had coveted living all my life, my girl friend and I went on all-day sketching trips. All-day in the sense of the word, meant as long as we liked until we were tired. This friend only taught part time in the Art Department of the University so she had several free days in the week wherein to do as she pleased. She also owned the old T model ford which took us over the country-side far and wide in every direction. On these days we took our paints, canvases and easels, snatched a bite of lunch for noon and rambled gaily along in the old car over the
70. however, the "stomach-ache" had to subside of its own accord. A prescription was given me by this good doctor at the same time. It called for Adlein capsules to be taken in an emergency - when a similar situation might arise and a hypodermic might be unavailable. These capsules have never failed in their effectiveness, and it has been a good many years since I have had occasion to use any. But the fine man who prescribed them unfortunately took a better position - as these best physicians are likely to do, - and left our village. So in the future, his help could not be procured. During these first years, located as we were in the state where I had coveted living all my life, my girl friend and I went on all-day sketching trips. All-day in the sense of the word, meant as long as we liked until we were tired. This friend only taught part time in the Art Department of the University so she had several free days in the week wherein to do as she pleased. She also owned the old T model ford which took us over the country-side far and wide in every direction. On these days we took our paints, canvases and easels, snatched a bite of lunch for noon and rambled gaily along in the old car over the
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