Eve Drewelowe's journals, volumes II-III, 1950s
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During the fall and winter of 1950 -- the year following our return from our journeying about the world -- our home had been under construction. It was ready for occupancy shortly after the new Year. It was on January nineteen then that we took possession of six-twenty-six, thirteenth, our new home. As I intimated before this house entailed a good hit of thought, responsibility and supervision while under construction. Our Architect didn't do his job as well as it should have been done. There were plenty of things that didn't come out as they were supposed to. Getting settled and the house in readiness did not lessen the amount of detail and work still to be accomplished. Too much that was me went into that house. The nervous and physical energy that was necessarily expended was far too tremendous and costly. Therefore it is not a surprising that I began to feel the ill effects of so much activity in greater degree than usual that fall. The wobbling became more discernable than usual. It was then that our always dependable home physician, a man of known intellect and judgment, our good friend Dr Frischer took me in hand. Being somewhat solicitous, it was he who took me into Denver for examination + the Arneill form of doctors. The trick began in November -- as my stomach trekkings apparently always do. Why? I remember this occasion followed a series of dinner parties which the Van Eles were giving. My stomach transgressions unseemly interested the parties. Perhaps one of the reasons for our activation of symptoms at this time of the year may be blamed onto the
During the fall and winter of 1950 -- the year following our return from our journeying about the world -- our home had been under construction. It was ready for occupancy shortly after the new Year. It was on January nineteen then that we took possession of six-twenty-six, thirteenth, our new home. As I intimated before this house entailed a good hit of thought, responsibility and supervision while under construction. Our Architect didn't do his job as well as it should have been done. There were plenty of things that didn't come out as they were supposed to. Getting settled and the house in readiness did not lessen the amount of detail and work still to be accomplished. Too much that was me went into that house. The nervous and physical energy that was necessarily expended was far too tremendous and costly. Therefore it is not a surprising that I began to feel the ill effects of so much activity in greater degree than usual that fall. The wobbling became more discernable than usual. It was then that our always dependable home physician, a man of known intellect and judgment, our good friend Dr Frischer took me in hand. Being somewhat solicitous, it was he who took me into Denver for examination + the Arneill form of doctors. The trick began in November -- as my stomach trekkings apparently always do. Why? I remember this occasion followed a series of dinner parties which the Van Eles were giving. My stomach transgressions unseemly interested the parties. Perhaps one of the reasons for our activation of symptoms at this time of the year may be blamed onto the
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