Eve Drewelowe's journals, volumes II-III, 1950s
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Bureau of University Travel -- but we had arranged to proceed then to London upon an earlier boat, and have two more weeks in England's capital city. London with its double-decked busses; its inevitable system of packs, that are used as packs should be made use of; its water-fronts and walks on the Thames River, are fun. We had bothered to learn London six years before when we had spent some little time there upon the occasion of our world trip. Again London was fun, and we confined ourselves to it. We roamed the packs; the by-ways; the water-front- wherever we might find people. I sketched ecstatically; exuberantly; madly! My sketch book is always tucked under my arm, no matter where I may be going. It is a habit. But now my fingers were never still. I sketched incessantly, excitedly and was always jotting down notes, always catching things on the run. That is how my fingers flew all summer long. They were ever ready and always on their toes -- and always hastily they grasped my mental images. From London we transferred to Hull by rail, where we embarked upon the diminutive Finnish boat Arturus. This small vessel was reminiscent of the Japanese boat form Shiminosike Japan + the boat of Korea some years before. The staterooms were tiny, ill-aired, uncomfortable. The dining-saloon was unapproachable by ladder somewhere below and Smorgasbord was the order of the day -- every day. The deck, however, was sunny and comfortable if we got out early enough to reserve the best seats by occupation. The weather fortunately was fine. I don't know what we could have done had there been storms at sea, for I remember no staterooms. The five days on a glassy Baltic were uncomfortable enough, just because our living quarters were wholly inadequate. The Artemis stopped over briefly in Copenhagen, Denmark, just long enough for our party to be conducted upon a tour of inspection through a famous brewery, and at the end all
Bureau of University Travel -- but we had arranged to proceed then to London upon an earlier boat, and have two more weeks in England's capital city. London with its double-decked busses; its inevitable system of packs, that are used as packs should be made use of; its water-fronts and walks on the Thames River, are fun. We had bothered to learn London six years before when we had spent some little time there upon the occasion of our world trip. Again London was fun, and we confined ourselves to it. We roamed the packs; the by-ways; the water-front- wherever we might find people. I sketched ecstatically; exuberantly; madly! My sketch book is always tucked under my arm, no matter where I may be going. It is a habit. But now my fingers were never still. I sketched incessantly, excitedly and was always jotting down notes, always catching things on the run. That is how my fingers flew all summer long. They were ever ready and always on their toes -- and always hastily they grasped my mental images. From London we transferred to Hull by rail, where we embarked upon the diminutive Finnish boat Arturus. This small vessel was reminiscent of the Japanese boat form Shiminosike Japan + the boat of Korea some years before. The staterooms were tiny, ill-aired, uncomfortable. The dining-saloon was unapproachable by ladder somewhere below and Smorgasbord was the order of the day -- every day. The deck, however, was sunny and comfortable if we got out early enough to reserve the best seats by occupation. The weather fortunately was fine. I don't know what we could have done had there been storms at sea, for I remember no staterooms. The five days on a glassy Baltic were uncomfortable enough, just because our living quarters were wholly inadequate. The Artemis stopped over briefly in Copenhagen, Denmark, just long enough for our party to be conducted upon a tour of inspection through a famous brewery, and at the end all
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries