Eve Drewelowe's journals, volumes II-III, 1950s
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the free beer and soft drinks we could hold. it wasn't exactly a place where I could indulge, so I didn't particularly shine. Even the tour of the plant, I must confess, was somewhat boring -- but I trotted right along with the group. This perhaps, because of the D.A.R., who refused to accompany us and therefore remained behind in the bus. I chose what I considered the lesser of the bores, so I went along with the crowd. Back again upon ship board we continued our way unbroken to Helsinki. Soon we were shipping along the rocky, jagged coastline and were docking. The stopover in Finland -- visiting the outstanding landmarks, traversing the cobbled streets, and ending up with a demonstration of a Finnish bath, revived our spirits -- if they can be said to have needed refreshing. Good food and rest moreover, prepared the way for the advance upon Leningrad, upon Moscow and a very busy and strenuous summer. Sketch book always in hand I did everything else and saw everything that anyone else did in Russia and more. With all I got up early to sketch, and sketched late into the fading twilight. I sketched while our boats plied the waterways. I sketched while w were on the run -- doing things. I followed my unaware models down the street, sketching as we went. i caught people on the thoroughfares and the boats; scenes and sights, characteristic, and historic, and monumental of the Soviet Union. My mind gyrated; my fingers flow! There were five heavenly days on a river bed down the Volga -- a new but thrilling experience for us - with stops of various villages and cities. Always there were sliced cucumbers and sliced tomatoes for breakfast, and always there was fresh caviar. We motored across the Caucasus by his, then on to [Tiffin, Batson?] Kief and the Ukraine. From Odessa on Soviet Steamer took us across the Black Sea through the Dardanelles to Istanbul -- where we had several enchanting intriguing days. Then on to Greece
the free beer and soft drinks we could hold. it wasn't exactly a place where I could indulge, so I didn't particularly shine. Even the tour of the plant, I must confess, was somewhat boring -- but I trotted right along with the group. This perhaps, because of the D.A.R., who refused to accompany us and therefore remained behind in the bus. I chose what I considered the lesser of the bores, so I went along with the crowd. Back again upon ship board we continued our way unbroken to Helsinki. Soon we were shipping along the rocky, jagged coastline and were docking. The stopover in Finland -- visiting the outstanding landmarks, traversing the cobbled streets, and ending up with a demonstration of a Finnish bath, revived our spirits -- if they can be said to have needed refreshing. Good food and rest moreover, prepared the way for the advance upon Leningrad, upon Moscow and a very busy and strenuous summer. Sketch book always in hand I did everything else and saw everything that anyone else did in Russia and more. With all I got up early to sketch, and sketched late into the fading twilight. I sketched while our boats plied the waterways. I sketched while w were on the run -- doing things. I followed my unaware models down the street, sketching as we went. i caught people on the thoroughfares and the boats; scenes and sights, characteristic, and historic, and monumental of the Soviet Union. My mind gyrated; my fingers flow! There were five heavenly days on a river bed down the Volga -- a new but thrilling experience for us - with stops of various villages and cities. Always there were sliced cucumbers and sliced tomatoes for breakfast, and always there was fresh caviar. We motored across the Caucasus by his, then on to [Tiffin, Batson?] Kief and the Ukraine. From Odessa on Soviet Steamer took us across the Black Sea through the Dardanelles to Istanbul -- where we had several enchanting intriguing days. Then on to Greece
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries