Eve Drewelowe's journals, volumes II-III, 1950s
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unrelated and widely scattered which left huge gaps in the information, imagination - of course - supplied the substance of the novels, but not in a manner conducive to a piece of mind. The uncertainty of not knowing all the related facts of a case is extremely disconcerting. If there are a number of tricks established beyond a doubt, but there is no substantiating evidence to stop the gaps in the chain, how else are the voids to be filled? Naturally the imagination will busy itself and sometimes supply likely ideas and even more frequently perhaps highly improbably answers. The mind of "I am a Stomach" is a restless part of a restless individual and toys with possibilities and gyrates with solutions to the unknown. The whole gamut of the imaginably true will line up and force recognition upon the mind. Theoretically some of the suppositions are perfect, but practically, they cannot be made to fit the knowns, nor can they endure checking. Then they must - of course - be discarded for other ideas which may be equally false. It is only after each possibility however infinitesimal or remote it may have seemed at the beginning, has been closely scrutinized and weighed accordingly and found adequate that it may be added to the partially completed puzzle. Even some such additions may later be found wanting and must be discarded despite their apparently perfect fit. Thus the design is evolved and traced step by step. It is completed by a process of consideration and reasoning
unrelated and widely scattered which left huge gaps in the information, imagination - of course - supplied the substance of the novels, but not in a manner conducive to a piece of mind. The uncertainty of not knowing all the related facts of a case is extremely disconcerting. If there are a number of tricks established beyond a doubt, but there is no substantiating evidence to stop the gaps in the chain, how else are the voids to be filled? Naturally the imagination will busy itself and sometimes supply likely ideas and even more frequently perhaps highly improbably answers. The mind of "I am a Stomach" is a restless part of a restless individual and toys with possibilities and gyrates with solutions to the unknown. The whole gamut of the imaginably true will line up and force recognition upon the mind. Theoretically some of the suppositions are perfect, but practically, they cannot be made to fit the knowns, nor can they endure checking. Then they must - of course - be discarded for other ideas which may be equally false. It is only after each possibility however infinitesimal or remote it may have seemed at the beginning, has been closely scrutinized and weighed accordingly and found adequate that it may be added to the partially completed puzzle. Even some such additions may later be found wanting and must be discarded despite their apparently perfect fit. Thus the design is evolved and traced step by step. It is completed by a process of consideration and reasoning
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries