S. G. Finney letters to his son George, 1875-1876
1875-04-11 Page 1
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Blakesburg Iowa april 11th 1875 Mr Geo. S. Finney Yours of the 3rd inst. just came to hand. What you say about the amount recd from Lewis $100.00 is just my understanding exactly, and I am willing to pay him, but I do not like to be treated like a dog. Perhaps [we'll?] get it settled, and then I dont want any thing more to do with him. Well Geo., there has been a big meeting going on at Last Chance, they in about 30 new members. If it makes them any better, there it is all right. We have had a very hard winter, though stock looks very well. Produce is a very good Price [oats?]- 55, has been 65- corn 50 & 55 hay 6.50 almost everything the farmer rases is in good demand. Most all the young men around
Blakesburg Iowa april 11th 1875 Mr Geo. S. Finney Yours of the 3rd inst. just came to hand. What you say about the amount recd from Lewis $100.00 is just my understanding exactly, and I am willing to pay him, but I do not like to be treated like a dog. Perhaps [we'll?] get it settled, and then I dont want any thing more to do with him. Well Geo., there has been a big meeting going on at Last Chance, they in about 30 new members. If it makes them any better, there it is all right. We have had a very hard winter, though stock looks very well. Produce is a very good Price [oats?]- 55, has been 65- corn 50 & 55 hay 6.50 almost everything the farmer rases is in good demand. Most all the young men around
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