S. G. Finney letters to his son George, 1875-1876
1876-07-24 Page 1
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BLakesburg Iowa July 24 1876 Mr G. S. Finney It has been all of two months since I have had any word from you. I cant help but think that you have written and if so it has been miscarried. We are now takeing off our hay crop which is good, our oats is good. we rased no wheat. Emma and me took a trip off to Burlington, and from there took Steam Boat to Keokuk we was gone nearly two weeks, [during?] the 4th Inst. She was very pleased with her trip, while in Ottumwa she had some pictures taken I enclude one to you. It looks like Emma to a dot. We have but little in the way of news, but the way Dave Jay was married on the 2nd of this month to [Mip?] Candace Arnold one of [Sue? Soe? Joe?] Arnolds Daughters. Dave is sure to be a rich man. Bill Asbury ten years ago was not worth any thing if he is worth a dollar to day, he is not worth less than ten thousand. Do you see people can make money & Property here as well as to go off for it. Ottumwa is not improveing as much this year as last [due?] [illegible] times are a little hard. Well this is the year for President Making, since the nominations there has not been much [start?] in Pollitics, the People do not seem to take much interest in it any way.
BLakesburg Iowa July 24 1876 Mr G. S. Finney It has been all of two months since I have had any word from you. I cant help but think that you have written and if so it has been miscarried. We are now takeing off our hay crop which is good, our oats is good. we rased no wheat. Emma and me took a trip off to Burlington, and from there took Steam Boat to Keokuk we was gone nearly two weeks, [during?] the 4th Inst. She was very pleased with her trip, while in Ottumwa she had some pictures taken I enclude one to you. It looks like Emma to a dot. We have but little in the way of news, but the way Dave Jay was married on the 2nd of this month to [Mip?] Candace Arnold one of [Sue? Soe? Joe?] Arnolds Daughters. Dave is sure to be a rich man. Bill Asbury ten years ago was not worth any thing if he is worth a dollar to day, he is not worth less than ten thousand. Do you see people can make money & Property here as well as to go off for it. Ottumwa is not improveing as much this year as last [due?] [illegible] times are a little hard. Well this is the year for President Making, since the nominations there has not been much [start?] in Pollitics, the People do not seem to take much interest in it any way.
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