S. G. Finney letter to his son George, March 24, 1886
1886-03-24 Page 2
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good times this sumer. there will be a big demand for every thing we have to sell, it will make money Plenty, and all kinds of business brisk. We had about dispared of ever seeing a RR here but we have got a sure thing now. they paid Fletch Blake 500$ for depo grounds, paid Mrs Williams 300$ for right of way Jep Barns 300$ Wright 300$ Fielding 300$ it angles through the Dan Stocker place now owned by Bill McAlester he only got 300$ he should of had six. I think I wrote to you that Mrs Worley died about Christmas, and last Saturday night Worleys house burned down, and nearly ever thing in it, he was there alone barely got out in time to save himself, he had 600$ Insurance on house and 300$ on contents, he is in rather a bad shape, has advertized to sell off Every Thing. What you wrote me me about Chas Finney being Post Master at Selma is true. he is Equal Partner with two Bros in a very large store and have a good trade. he made his Jack by getting Married, and besids that he has a wife that knows how to manage the house hold affairs. Every boddy says he has done well. I saw them boath in Otto when I was down. Well I find I am makeing a long story I have no note paper, so I send you just such as I have, and have tryed to fill it up. one of Josh Cloynes boys is working for me this sumer, Charley, at 20$ per mo. We are all in usual health. Emmas school is out, and she will teach the Franklin Common one week from next Monday. We all wish to be rememberd to the cook. from your Father &c S G Finney
good times this sumer. there will be a big demand for every thing we have to sell, it will make money Plenty, and all kinds of business brisk. We had about dispared of ever seeing a RR here but we have got a sure thing now. they paid Fletch Blake 500$ for depo grounds, paid Mrs Williams 300$ for right of way Jep Barns 300$ Wright 300$ Fielding 300$ it angles through the Dan Stocker place now owned by Bill McAlester he only got 300$ he should of had six. I think I wrote to you that Mrs Worley died about Christmas, and last Saturday night Worleys house burned down, and nearly ever thing in it, he was there alone barely got out in time to save himself, he had 600$ Insurance on house and 300$ on contents, he is in rather a bad shape, has advertized to sell off Every Thing. What you wrote me me about Chas Finney being Post Master at Selma is true. he is Equal Partner with two Bros in a very large store and have a good trade. he made his Jack by getting Married, and besids that he has a wife that knows how to manage the house hold affairs. Every boddy says he has done well. I saw them boath in Otto when I was down. Well I find I am makeing a long story I have no note paper, so I send you just such as I have, and have tryed to fill it up. one of Josh Cloynes boys is working for me this sumer, Charley, at 20$ per mo. We are all in usual health. Emmas school is out, and she will teach the Franklin Common one week from next Monday. We all wish to be rememberd to the cook. from your Father &c S G Finney
Pioneer Lives