George Wallace Jones letters, 1844-1896
1837-12-29 Page 1
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Wash D.C. Dec 29/37 Sir - I beg leave, very respectfully & earnestly to recommend my friend & constituent Edw. G. Guest Esqr, now a Clerk in the Pat Office Bureau, for the place of Purser in the Navy made vacant by the death A. J. Mitchell. Mr Guest is a gentleman of intelligence & finished education,& is so well qualified for the discharge of the duties of Purser. Mr Guest has always been like his worthy & respected father, an unwavering friend of President
Wash D.C. Dec 29/37 Sir - I beg leave, very respectfully & earnestly to recommend my friend & constituent Edw. G. Guest Esqr, now a Clerk in the Pat Office Bureau, for the place of Purser in the Navy made vacant by the death A. J. Mitchell. Mr Guest is a gentleman of intelligence & finished education,& is so well qualified for the discharge of the duties of Purser. Mr Guest has always been like his worthy & respected father, an unwavering friend of President
Pioneer Lives