League of Women Voters minutes, 1920-1925
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The executive board of the League of Women Voters was called to order at 10-40 o'clock A.M. in Harris Emery's Auditorium by Mrs. Walter Brown. The chairman placed before the board the need of a capable organizer for the League in our state. After some general discussion it was suggested that delegates to the National convention find an able organizer to do this work. The matter was put to vote and unanimously agreed upon. The chair appointed Mrs. Fred Hunter and Mrs. Max Mayer as committee on resolutions. Mrs. Lincoln gave the report on Child Welfare for Mrs. Rusti who was unable to be present. Secretaries report was read and accepted. The Treasurers report was given by Mrs. Sadie Passig of Humboldt. Mrs. Passig reported the pledge to the national paid in full entitling Iowa to twenty one delegates to the National convention to be held in Cleveland, O. in April. Balance in hand $645. Mrs. Hunter moved that we accept the treasurers report. Mrs. Mayer seconded the motion. carried. Moved by Mrs. Devitt that the Iowa delegation be instructed to use their judgment in the matter of Iowas pledge to the national for this coming year. Pledge not to exceed $1200. Seconded by Dr. Stuart of Iowa City. carried
The executive board of the League of Women Voters was called to order at 10-40 o'clock A.M. in Harris Emery's Auditorium by Mrs. Walter Brown. The chairman placed before the board the need of a capable organizer for the League in our state. After some general discussion it was suggested that delegates to the National convention find an able organizer to do this work. The matter was put to vote and unanimously agreed upon. The chair appointed Mrs. Fred Hunter and Mrs. Max Mayer as committee on resolutions. Mrs. Lincoln gave the report on Child Welfare for Mrs. Rusti who was unable to be present. Secretaries report was read and accepted. The Treasurers report was given by Mrs. Sadie Passig of Humboldt. Mrs. Passig reported the pledge to the national paid in full entitling Iowa to twenty one delegates to the National convention to be held in Cleveland, O. in April. Balance in hand $645. Mrs. Hunter moved that we accept the treasurers report. Mrs. Mayer seconded the motion. carried. Moved by Mrs. Devitt that the Iowa delegation be instructed to use their judgment in the matter of Iowas pledge to the national for this coming year. Pledge not to exceed $1200. Seconded by Dr. Stuart of Iowa City. carried
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries