League of Women Voters minutes, 1920-1925
Page 39
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there is little to be done to make the Legal status of Women equal to that of the most privildged citizen. The State constitution be ammended to allow women to serve in the State Legislature. Mrs. Fred Hunter gave a short talk in the [persitious?] Blanket Ammendment to the Federal Constitution which is being pushed by an ultra progressive group of women. Mrs. Mayer gave a very lucid report upon her work in Citizen ship schools. She has been doing more intensive work than ever before and has addressed four thousand people in the first two months of this year. Mrs. Mc Kin moves the chairman be instructed to print the abstract of the Primary Election Laws made by Mrs. Mayer. said printing not to cost a sum exceeding fifty dollars. Seconded by Mrs. Hunter - carried. Mrs. Mc Kin gave a short talk in appreciation of the fine work done for the League by Mrs. Mayer which is heartily applauded by the Board. Mrs. Passig moves that our corresponding secretary write a letter to Dr. Jessup and to Professor [Khingarnan?] in reference to a mistatement of the Iowa City Press. to the effect that Mrs. Mayer had resigned from the Extension Division of the State University. Seconded by Mrs. Knutson - carried. Mrs. Devitt moved that the committee that arranged for the employment of Mrs. Mayer be instructed to confer with Dr. Jessup and request that the League may retain Mrs. Mayer until November first - making
there is little to be done to make the Legal status of Women equal to that of the most privildged citizen. The State constitution be ammended to allow women to serve in the State Legislature. Mrs. Fred Hunter gave a short talk in the [persitious?] Blanket Ammendment to the Federal Constitution which is being pushed by an ultra progressive group of women. Mrs. Mayer gave a very lucid report upon her work in Citizen ship schools. She has been doing more intensive work than ever before and has addressed four thousand people in the first two months of this year. Mrs. Mc Kin moves the chairman be instructed to print the abstract of the Primary Election Laws made by Mrs. Mayer. said printing not to cost a sum exceeding fifty dollars. Seconded by Mrs. Hunter - carried. Mrs. Mc Kin gave a short talk in appreciation of the fine work done for the League by Mrs. Mayer which is heartily applauded by the Board. Mrs. Passig moves that our corresponding secretary write a letter to Dr. Jessup and to Professor [Khingarnan?] in reference to a mistatement of the Iowa City Press. to the effect that Mrs. Mayer had resigned from the Extension Division of the State University. Seconded by Mrs. Knutson - carried. Mrs. Devitt moved that the committee that arranged for the employment of Mrs. Mayer be instructed to confer with Dr. Jessup and request that the League may retain Mrs. Mayer until November first - making
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries