Clara Wilson letters, 1866-1894
1869-02-02 Page 1
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Milwaunky Feb 2nd/69 Dear Sister Clarra Mary has been verry Sick & is yet, she was taken with congestion of the Brain and Lungs last wednesday night, but I think she is some better thinke she will get a long with good nursing & care. the Doc thinks so, I have wrote out to Edwin to have Arnie come & stay a few days, Mary thought at first I had better Telegraph for you at once, but she was out of her head, & I thought it best to wait and see, she thinks now that she will will not get well, but I think she will if nothing happings more than we can see
Milwaunky Feb 2nd/69 Dear Sister Clarra Mary has been verry Sick & is yet, she was taken with congestion of the Brain and Lungs last wednesday night, but I think she is some better thinke she will get a long with good nursing & care. the Doc thinks so, I have wrote out to Edwin to have Arnie come & stay a few days, Mary thought at first I had better Telegraph for you at once, but she was out of her head, & I thought it best to wait and see, she thinks now that she will will not get well, but I think she will if nothing happings more than we can see
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