Clara Wilson letters, 1866-1894
0000-04-27 Page 4
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housecleaning campaign. I mean if he only "holds out -faithful;" but you see he isn't of the kind that is apt to - but I'll speak well of him as far as posible. Of course it's none other than Aiden who was kind enough to paint the woodhouse floor for me; that was all very nice but we had a big row over it "all the same." He is as much worse than your father is about driving anything he does, and doing it just as you didn't want it done as your father is worse than he ought to be. I can't tell all the mean things he did but one of them was to lay the acorn stove on its side and roll it across the floor like a barrel, spilling out ashes not many however. Then the paint was very thick so I went to Roy's for oil and turpentine. On my return I found he had painted as fast as he could and then he wouldn't use the oil.
housecleaning campaign. I mean if he only "holds out -faithful;" but you see he isn't of the kind that is apt to - but I'll speak well of him as far as posible. Of course it's none other than Aiden who was kind enough to paint the woodhouse floor for me; that was all very nice but we had a big row over it "all the same." He is as much worse than your father is about driving anything he does, and doing it just as you didn't want it done as your father is worse than he ought to be. I can't tell all the mean things he did but one of them was to lay the acorn stove on its side and roll it across the floor like a barrel, spilling out ashes not many however. Then the paint was very thick so I went to Roy's for oil and turpentine. On my return I found he had painted as fast as he could and then he wouldn't use the oil.
Pioneer Lives