Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1902
1902-03-30 -- 1902-04-05
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March, 1902. Sun. 30. Fair & frosty morn. Clouded with vigorous N.W. snow squalls P.M. whitening the ground. - At C.P. church & over s.s. Mon. 31. 28° cloudy. N.W. brisk. Busy office, Evg also. - supper at Wilkinson's. C. in P.M. - Tues. 1. April 27° Cloudy, N. & snow flakes. Dark cold day. - Office evg. - Girls' had company to supper & evg. Wed. 2. 26° Freezes hard N.E. Clearing evg. Busy day. - C. in P.M. at office evg. Thurs. 3. Clear & frosty morn. 28° at 7 o'c. Fine day. Dinner at old C.P. church last before it is removed. - High school teachers & Prof. Smith & Miss Hall here to supper & evg. Fri. 4. Fair. frost. Fine day. office a while evg. Clara's friend at supper. Sat. 5. 36° Fair, spring-like. Shower evg. - C. in a while. - Rev. L.O. Stiening of Cascade cam on evg train & home with me. - At office evg.
March, 1902. Sun. 30. Fair & frosty morn. Clouded with vigorous N.W. snow squalls P.M. whitening the ground. - At C.P. church & over s.s. Mon. 31. 28° cloudy. N.W. brisk. Busy office, Evg also. - supper at Wilkinson's. C. in P.M. - Tues. 1. April 27° Cloudy, N. & snow flakes. Dark cold day. - Office evg. - Girls' had company to supper & evg. Wed. 2. 26° Freezes hard N.E. Clearing evg. Busy day. - C. in P.M. at office evg. Thurs. 3. Clear & frosty morn. 28° at 7 o'c. Fine day. Dinner at old C.P. church last before it is removed. - High school teachers & Prof. Smith & Miss Hall here to supper & evg. Fri. 4. Fair. frost. Fine day. office a while evg. Clara's friend at supper. Sat. 5. 36° Fair, spring-like. Shower evg. - C. in a while. - Rev. L.O. Stiening of Cascade cam on evg train & home with me. - At office evg.
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