Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1902
1902-04-27 -- 1902-05-03
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April, 1902. Sun. 27. Pleasant day; rather windy. C.&C. at German church; H & I at M.E. service in Hall. - called on T.W. David. - no service anywhere, evg. - Girls & I took 5 3/4 mile walk S.E., P.M. Mon. 28. Fine morn., & milk day, mostly cloudy. - C. in P.M. - sehroda spading - planted beets & onions. Tues. 29. Clear morn, very heavy dew; N.W. cooler. - Cloudy till mid-P.M. - schroda at work all day. - Planted Par-snip, early corn, & potatoes: King of the Earlies & New Queen. Offices a little, evg. Wed. 30. Beautiful morn. - Finished planting potatoes. - Planted more peas evg. - Fine day. - First asparagus. office a while evg. Thurs. 1. May. Fair, cold, East wind. Clouded warmer, & soaking rain P.M. & evg. - C. in P.M. Clara began on country cousin record. staid home evg. [Chimney swallows. Fri. 2. Beautiful morning; s.w. breeze. Rain working up from s.w. evg. began about 8:30. - Very warm, 80° or over. C. in office P.M. Orioles Sat. 3. Soaking rains in night ThurD. Threatening all day; & dreadful down-pour evg & thunder - storm, burning out many [dee fuse?]. - Rev. C.H. Stull came Took off storm windows, morn evg.
April, 1902. Sun. 27. Pleasant day; rather windy. C.&C. at German church; H & I at M.E. service in Hall. - called on T.W. David. - no service anywhere, evg. - Girls & I took 5 3/4 mile walk S.E., P.M. Mon. 28. Fine morn., & milk day, mostly cloudy. - C. in P.M. - sehroda spading - planted beets & onions. Tues. 29. Clear morn, very heavy dew; N.W. cooler. - Cloudy till mid-P.M. - schroda at work all day. - Planted Par-snip, early corn, & potatoes: King of the Earlies & New Queen. Offices a little, evg. Wed. 30. Beautiful morn. - Finished planting potatoes. - Planted more peas evg. - Fine day. - First asparagus. office a while evg. Thurs. 1. May. Fair, cold, East wind. Clouded warmer, & soaking rain P.M. & evg. - C. in P.M. Clara began on country cousin record. staid home evg. [Chimney swallows. Fri. 2. Beautiful morning; s.w. breeze. Rain working up from s.w. evg. began about 8:30. - Very warm, 80° or over. C. in office P.M. Orioles Sat. 3. Soaking rains in night ThurD. Threatening all day; & dreadful down-pour evg & thunder - storm, burning out many [dee fuse?]. - Rev. C.H. Stull came Took off storm windows, morn evg.
Pioneer Lives