Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1902
1902-05-04 -- 1902-05-10
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Rev. C.H. Stull, Wellington, Kan. May, 1902. Sun. 4. Fairish towards night, but everything soaked. All at church morn. & evg - Good preacher brainy & trained voice. - Mrs & Mrs Dwelle in to tea. Mon. 5. Fine A.M. cloudy P.M. chill E. wind. - Very busy. office evg also - Mr. stull nearly rick Rainy evg. - cat-birds & orioles Tues. 6. Rained all night. Cloudy & cool day. - Mowed lawn, or Mr. Stull did mostly. - Home evg. Clearing P.M. - C. in P.M. Early Plums full bloom. Wed. 7. Clear morn., s.W. breeze. Fair day. C. in P.M. while I around intro-ducing Mr. Stull. - Mowed evg. Lots of White-throated sparrrows. Put up Grape-Vines. Thurs. 8. Shower in night. Fair morn., strong S.W. breeze. Cold N. wind P.M. Dinner at Dr. Crawford's. Drove one to Mabel's school with Clara & took Mr. Stull round by Fort's. - Mr. & Mrs. Goody Koontz & Kate Kidder home to supper. Fri. 9. Fair cold morn, E. wind. - Cloudy & chill day. - shower P.M. - C. calling with Mr. Stull. - set out Vick roses evg. DeSoto & Hale Plums bloom. Sat. 10. 34° Rainy, E. Wind. Rained in night, & Ch. & I. Very cold day, only 42° at noon. - Some snow in corners this morn. Office a while, evg.
Rev. C.H. Stull, Wellington, Kan. May, 1902. Sun. 4. Fairish towards night, but everything soaked. All at church morn. & evg - Good preacher brainy & trained voice. - Mrs & Mrs Dwelle in to tea. Mon. 5. Fine A.M. cloudy P.M. chill E. wind. - Very busy. office evg also - Mr. stull nearly rick Rainy evg. - cat-birds & orioles Tues. 6. Rained all night. Cloudy & cool day. - Mowed lawn, or Mr. Stull did mostly. - Home evg. Clearing P.M. - C. in P.M. Early Plums full bloom. Wed. 7. Clear morn., s.W. breeze. Fair day. C. in P.M. while I around intro-ducing Mr. Stull. - Mowed evg. Lots of White-throated sparrrows. Put up Grape-Vines. Thurs. 8. Shower in night. Fair morn., strong S.W. breeze. Cold N. wind P.M. Dinner at Dr. Crawford's. Drove one to Mabel's school with Clara & took Mr. Stull round by Fort's. - Mr. & Mrs. Goody Koontz & Kate Kidder home to supper. Fri. 9. Fair cold morn, E. wind. - Cloudy & chill day. - shower P.M. - C. calling with Mr. Stull. - set out Vick roses evg. DeSoto & Hale Plums bloom. Sat. 10. 34° Rainy, E. Wind. Rained in night, & Ch. & I. Very cold day, only 42° at noon. - Some snow in corners this morn. Office a while, evg.
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