Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1902
1902-05-11 -- 1902-05-17
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May, 1902. Sun. 11. Gloomy morn, 38° cold & wet, S.E. wind. Fairish P.M. - church full morn & evg. & a most excellent sermon morning. - Church mtg. PM. extended a call to Mr. Stull at $800. Mon. 12. Fair morn., s.e. cold. Grew warm rapidly. spkles P.M. & very heavy rain evg., begin soon after 7. - C. in after 2:30 & I set out [illegible] plants & roses. 50 Beder & 50 Warfield strawberries; 2 Moore's Early, 2 Niagara & 3 Brighton Grapes and 3 each oldes & Palmer blackcaps. Tues. 13. Mild morn every thing soaked. Mostly cloudy. - Sever pain in both eyes all day. C. in all P.M. & I staid home. Transplanted wild Rose. Wed. 14. Fair morn, but cool. Fairish all day, cold E. breeze. - C. in a while. Schroda mowed &c. - Home evg. set out 2 doz. pansies. Thurs. 15. Fair morn., cold E wind, and large circle around the sun. - severe head-ache came on in night. Better in P.M. - out a while & planted Peas (Prosperity) & Beans (Bountiful) & radish. Fri. 16. Cloudy. warm, s.e. early shower, & shower in evg., with a little sunshine. Burned rubbish & hoed, evg. Knig-birds, & orchard oriole (?) Sat. 17. Early th.-shower, light. Fair day & quite warm; very heavy rain this evg. & in night, & thunder storm. Clara & ch. & I planted flower seeds.
May, 1902. Sun. 11. Gloomy morn, 38° cold & wet, S.E. wind. Fairish P.M. - church full morn & evg. & a most excellent sermon morning. - Church mtg. PM. extended a call to Mr. Stull at $800. Mon. 12. Fair morn., s.e. cold. Grew warm rapidly. spkles P.M. & very heavy rain evg., begin soon after 7. - C. in after 2:30 & I set out [illegible] plants & roses. 50 Beder & 50 Warfield strawberries; 2 Moore's Early, 2 Niagara & 3 Brighton Grapes and 3 each oldes & Palmer blackcaps. Tues. 13. Mild morn every thing soaked. Mostly cloudy. - Sever pain in both eyes all day. C. in all P.M. & I staid home. Transplanted wild Rose. Wed. 14. Fair morn, but cool. Fairish all day, cold E. breeze. - C. in a while. Schroda mowed &c. - Home evg. set out 2 doz. pansies. Thurs. 15. Fair morn., cold E wind, and large circle around the sun. - severe head-ache came on in night. Better in P.M. - out a while & planted Peas (Prosperity) & Beans (Bountiful) & radish. Fri. 16. Cloudy. warm, s.e. early shower, & shower in evg., with a little sunshine. Burned rubbish & hoed, evg. Knig-birds, & orchard oriole (?) Sat. 17. Early th.-shower, light. Fair day & quite warm; very heavy rain this evg. & in night, & thunder storm. Clara & ch. & I planted flower seeds.
Pioneer Lives