Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1902
1902-06-15 -- 1902-06-21
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June, 1902. Sun, 15. Rained in night cooler to-day & clearing. - Church morn & evg. - Began taking ice. - Mon. 16. Quite cool night, & morn, clear N.W. - Fine day. Sprayed potatoes, morn. & mowed evg. suffering with piles; bleeding since Saturday. Hathaway child badly bitten by Lamond dog. Tues. 17. Nice cool night to sleep. Fair day; quite cool S.E. wind Hoed morn. Mowed & sprayed, evg. Wed. 18. Cool nights. 58º at 7 o'c. Cloudy. N.W. Fair day, only 64º at noon. Hoed morn. mowed evg & oiled of-fice floor. Saw [Gibbo?] & at meeting later. Thurs. 19. Beautiful morn. but cold. Cloudy P.M. - still & wf. & clean drove. Harriet out to Mabel's school. Hoed. Morn & evg. Fri. 20. Cloudy, cold, 56º. Rain began before 9; & intervals till 5 P.M. Rq. still ment to assin, with Dea. Sherman Hoed morn & evg. Sat. 21. Fairish & cold morn, (suffering every day). 48º at 7 o'c only 59º at noon. Fair P.M. - Hoed a little, morn. & mowed evg.
June, 1902. Sun, 15. Rained in night cooler to-day & clearing. - Church morn & evg. - Began taking ice. - Mon. 16. Quite cool night, & morn, clear N.W. - Fine day. Sprayed potatoes, morn. & mowed evg. suffering with piles; bleeding since Saturday. Hathaway child badly bitten by Lamond dog. Tues. 17. Nice cool night to sleep. Fair day; quite cool S.E. wind Hoed morn. Mowed & sprayed, evg. Wed. 18. Cool nights. 58º at 7 o'c. Cloudy. N.W. Fair day, only 64º at noon. Hoed morn. mowed evg & oiled of-fice floor. Saw [Gibbo?] & at meeting later. Thurs. 19. Beautiful morn. but cold. Cloudy P.M. - still & wf. & clean drove. Harriet out to Mabel's school. Hoed. Morn & evg. Fri. 20. Cloudy, cold, 56º. Rain began before 9; & intervals till 5 P.M. Rq. still ment to assin, with Dea. Sherman Hoed morn & evg. Sat. 21. Fairish & cold morn, (suffering every day). 48º at 7 o'c only 59º at noon. Fair P.M. - Hoed a little, morn. & mowed evg.
Pioneer Lives