Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1902
1902-07-13 -- 1902-07-19
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July, 1902. Sun. 13. Very fine day, 84º P.M. but too warm for many. - All at church morn & evg, & all but me at sermon in at Mrs. Whiting's P.M. Charlotte about tired out, evg. Mon. 14. Beautiful morn, hot day, 86º Sharp thunder-shower 5 P.M. - shattered hubbell chimney. Harriet went to Freeport, with Mrs. & Dr. Johnson & Rev. & Mrs. Stull, they to go onto Cresco for ordination counsel. - Home evg. Tues. 15. Glorious morning. Fair day, 84º S. wind, low bar. evg. - Clara sorting up old papers in office. - Mowed evg. Wed. 16. Tremendous storm from 1 to 5 A.M. Pouring rain, heavy wind & hail, prostrating corn & small grain. Fair day, but threatening. Cold S. wind morn,; hot P.M. 85º - Very pleasant evg. - Harrie et al got home after 9 P.M. mowed evg. - Thurs. 17. Fair, hot, morn. Cloudy P.M. but only a light sprinkle. Funeral for Mrs. Ann Cavilla Greer, P.M. Frank Nichols doing garden work & mowing weeds. Fri. 18. Light rain began before 6 am., and rainy all day. Sat. 19. Cloudy wet morn, N.E. cool Cloudy & dark & misty & cool & drizzly all day. Rain began again 9 P.M.
July, 1902. Sun. 13. Very fine day, 84º P.M. but too warm for many. - All at church morn & evg, & all but me at sermon in at Mrs. Whiting's P.M. Charlotte about tired out, evg. Mon. 14. Beautiful morn, hot day, 86º Sharp thunder-shower 5 P.M. - shattered hubbell chimney. Harriet went to Freeport, with Mrs. & Dr. Johnson & Rev. & Mrs. Stull, they to go onto Cresco for ordination counsel. - Home evg. Tues. 15. Glorious morning. Fair day, 84º S. wind, low bar. evg. - Clara sorting up old papers in office. - Mowed evg. Wed. 16. Tremendous storm from 1 to 5 A.M. Pouring rain, heavy wind & hail, prostrating corn & small grain. Fair day, but threatening. Cold S. wind morn,; hot P.M. 85º - Very pleasant evg. - Harrie et al got home after 9 P.M. mowed evg. - Thurs. 17. Fair, hot, morn. Cloudy P.M. but only a light sprinkle. Funeral for Mrs. Ann Cavilla Greer, P.M. Frank Nichols doing garden work & mowing weeds. Fri. 18. Light rain began before 6 am., and rainy all day. Sat. 19. Cloudy wet morn, N.E. cool Cloudy & dark & misty & cool & drizzly all day. Rain began again 9 P.M.
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