Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1902
1902-07-20 -- 1902-07-26
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Phone first used from pulpit to Mrs. Whiting's. Sun. 20. Drenching rain all night & till 9 1/2 a.m. N.E. cold. A few spells of sunshine P.M., with showers All at church morn & evg. - Fairing evg. Mon. 21. Beautiful bright, cool morn. Fair day; & quite cool. Clara in 40 min. morn. & commenced attending summer school for teachers. - office dull. Mowed evg. Beautiful evg. Tues. 22. Beautiful morn; & cool. Shower from North, P.M. & heavy thunder shower also from North, 7:30 P.M. Dull at office. Surprise party for Stella Pratt evg with purse of $20.00. Wed. 23. Beautiful morn. Fair all day. 82º (outside) Mowed a little, evg - Dr. B ligated big internal pile - a.m. suffered a good deal to-night. Thurs. 24. Fair early; clouded; fair P.M. quite warm. Sultry evg. & light th. storm Rather busy day. Fri. 25. Fair, sultry morn. - 84º noon. Rain P.M. & cooler evg - Heavy rain evg. suffered all last night, & little sleep. At home 2 hrs. P.M. & C at office. Sat. 26. Cloudy morn. Fair P.M. Rainy evg. Feeling some better. Mowed before supper. front & north & east
Phone first used from pulpit to Mrs. Whiting's. Sun. 20. Drenching rain all night & till 9 1/2 a.m. N.E. cold. A few spells of sunshine P.M., with showers All at church morn & evg. - Fairing evg. Mon. 21. Beautiful bright, cool morn. Fair day; & quite cool. Clara in 40 min. morn. & commenced attending summer school for teachers. - office dull. Mowed evg. Beautiful evg. Tues. 22. Beautiful morn; & cool. Shower from North, P.M. & heavy thunder shower also from North, 7:30 P.M. Dull at office. Surprise party for Stella Pratt evg with purse of $20.00. Wed. 23. Beautiful morn. Fair all day. 82º (outside) Mowed a little, evg - Dr. B ligated big internal pile - a.m. suffered a good deal to-night. Thurs. 24. Fair early; clouded; fair P.M. quite warm. Sultry evg. & light th. storm Rather busy day. Fri. 25. Fair, sultry morn. - 84º noon. Rain P.M. & cooler evg - Heavy rain evg. suffered all last night, & little sleep. At home 2 hrs. P.M. & C at office. Sat. 26. Cloudy morn. Fair P.M. Rainy evg. Feeling some better. Mowed before supper. front & north & east
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