Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1902
1902-10-10 -- 1902-10-18
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October, 1902. Fri. 10th. Fair day. Office as usual one week of fine weather. Mon. 13. Rainy morn. N.W. 40º cold, rainy day, with spells of snow. Busy. Clara went down to school & home at night, & all at 1st of school course of entertainments evg. Germaine magician. Tues. 14. Clear morn & heavy frost, ice formed - Fine day. - Busy. - C. in PM. - Went down to speech of Gov. Cummens, evg., but was turned away with hundreds of others. Wed. 15. Beautiful morn, 38º, westerly. Fine day, 62º. - Busy; C in P.M. At prayer meeting evg. Thurs. 16. Fine morn frosty, 34º. Very nice day. Busy - C. in P.M. Dinner at church. Total eclipse to-night; sat up only to see it well begun. Fri. 17. Fair, S.E. breeze, 35º - Gets to about 60 or 62º each day. - Clouded P.M. & evg. - Busy. - At M.W.A. a while evg. Hersey Cratt shingling her house. Sat. 18. Foggy, 48º. Fair P.M. & quite warm. Clara in office A.M. Office a while, evg.
October, 1902. Fri. 10th. Fair day. Office as usual one week of fine weather. Mon. 13. Rainy morn. N.W. 40º cold, rainy day, with spells of snow. Busy. Clara went down to school & home at night, & all at 1st of school course of entertainments evg. Germaine magician. Tues. 14. Clear morn & heavy frost, ice formed - Fine day. - Busy. - C. in PM. - Went down to speech of Gov. Cummens, evg., but was turned away with hundreds of others. Wed. 15. Beautiful morn, 38º, westerly. Fine day, 62º. - Busy; C in P.M. At prayer meeting evg. Thurs. 16. Fine morn frosty, 34º. Very nice day. Busy - C. in P.M. Dinner at church. Total eclipse to-night; sat up only to see it well begun. Fri. 17. Fair, S.E. breeze, 35º - Gets to about 60 or 62º each day. - Clouded P.M. & evg. - Busy. - At M.W.A. a while evg. Hersey Cratt shingling her house. Sat. 18. Foggy, 48º. Fair P.M. & quite warm. Clara in office A.M. Office a while, evg.
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