Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1902
1902-11-09 -- 1902-11-15
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November, 1902. Sun. 9. Cloudy but mild. Changing to chilly N.E. & damp, P.M. At ch. A.M. Rev. [Vannice?] preached. Rev. Stull at Rossville, funeral of Mrs. Dea Brace. Funeral of Aunt Nancy Whiting P.M. - after which we laid William's body by the side of his two first-born. Mon. 10. 32º morn., N.E. misty; about same all day but SE & warmer. Busy at office. A while evg. C. in P.M. Painters varnished wood-work. Tues. 11. 36º rainy. Warmer day, but awful dark. Quite warm evg & stormy. - Busy; C. in P.M. Wild Duck supper with Phil Fagrie & C.H. rats at Meyer Hotel. Wed. 12. 60º morn. Dark & cloudy & S wind. 65º P.M. Very warm day. Busy. Evg. a while Thurs. 13. 40º cloudy N.W. gtle. Much cooler. Busy. C. in P.M. office evg a while. Fri. 14. 38º Soaking N.E. rain. Wind boxed the compass. Glowing day, tho' no rain P.M. Very dark in office. Down a while evg. Sat. 15 34º Cloudy, S.W. - Almost rain P.M. & very dark. C. in office P.M.
November, 1902. Sun. 9. Cloudy but mild. Changing to chilly N.E. & damp, P.M. At ch. A.M. Rev. [Vannice?] preached. Rev. Stull at Rossville, funeral of Mrs. Dea Brace. Funeral of Aunt Nancy Whiting P.M. - after which we laid William's body by the side of his two first-born. Mon. 10. 32º morn., N.E. misty; about same all day but SE & warmer. Busy at office. A while evg. C. in P.M. Painters varnished wood-work. Tues. 11. 36º rainy. Warmer day, but awful dark. Quite warm evg & stormy. - Busy; C. in P.M. Wild Duck supper with Phil Fagrie & C.H. rats at Meyer Hotel. Wed. 12. 60º morn. Dark & cloudy & S wind. 65º P.M. Very warm day. Busy. Evg. a while Thurs. 13. 40º cloudy N.W. gtle. Much cooler. Busy. C. in P.M. office evg a while. Fri. 14. 38º Soaking N.E. rain. Wind boxed the compass. Glowing day, tho' no rain P.M. Very dark in office. Down a while evg. Sat. 15 34º Cloudy, S.W. - Almost rain P.M. & very dark. C. in office P.M.
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