Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1902
1902-11-23 -- 1902-11-29
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November, 1902. Sun. 23. S.W. Fair day. Mild P.M. church morn & evg. Walk P.M. about town. Charlotte kept home by a cold & headache. Mon. 24. 30º Fair. N.W. Fine day, 40º Office a little while evg. Then finished putting down carpet ch. had mostly done. Tues. 25. 21º Fair. N.E. gtle. Fine day. Busy. - C. in P.M. & I put on storm windows. Covered strawberries. Office evg. till 10 o'c. Dinner at church. Wed. 26. 28º Cloudy. N.E. gtle. Spitting snow. Ground whitish all day from fine sun. C. in P.M. I set up stove in front room. - Office evg. till after 10. Church com. there also. Thurs. 27. 20º Fair. N.W. gtle. Fine day. Clara & I at union service at M.E. Church; sermon by our pastor. At office after 5 P.M. Clara at home today from her school. Fri. 28. 20º Fair - cold S.E. wind. Cloudy day, thickening. S.E. chilly. - Snowing evg. Busy. - C. in after 330 & I moved kitchen stove, & put on last of storm windows. Office evg till after 10 o'c. Sat. 29. About 20º; N.W. Cloudy, 4 in. of snow. only 27 at noon. & drifting. Harrie went down R.R. O'Claras school, she making up for Thursday. - Busy. C. in all day, supper down town.
November, 1902. Sun. 23. S.W. Fair day. Mild P.M. church morn & evg. Walk P.M. about town. Charlotte kept home by a cold & headache. Mon. 24. 30º Fair. N.W. Fine day, 40º Office a little while evg. Then finished putting down carpet ch. had mostly done. Tues. 25. 21º Fair. N.E. gtle. Fine day. Busy. - C. in P.M. & I put on storm windows. Covered strawberries. Office evg. till 10 o'c. Dinner at church. Wed. 26. 28º Cloudy. N.E. gtle. Spitting snow. Ground whitish all day from fine sun. C. in P.M. I set up stove in front room. - Office evg. till after 10. Church com. there also. Thurs. 27. 20º Fair. N.W. gtle. Fine day. Clara & I at union service at M.E. Church; sermon by our pastor. At office after 5 P.M. Clara at home today from her school. Fri. 28. 20º Fair - cold S.E. wind. Cloudy day, thickening. S.E. chilly. - Snowing evg. Busy. - C. in after 330 & I moved kitchen stove, & put on last of storm windows. Office evg till after 10 o'c. Sat. 29. About 20º; N.W. Cloudy, 4 in. of snow. only 27 at noon. & drifting. Harrie went down R.R. O'Claras school, she making up for Thursday. - Busy. C. in all day, supper down town.
Pioneer Lives