Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1902
1902-12-21 -- 1902-12-27
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December, 1902. Sun. 21. Cloudy and 34 or 35 about all day; & N. wind & cooler evg. At church warm, & evg. Mon. 22. Cloudy, N.W. 28º & about that all day. Sleighing not entirely spoiled. C. in P.M. - Eye-ache P.M. & staid home evg & popped corm for Clara's school. Tues. 23. Cloudy, 25º S.E. Snowed from 2:30 till in night, & blowing S.W. - Supper at Model, and home 9 o'c. Wed. 24. 3º West, blizzard, - all but no snow falling. - Took noon train to Clara's school & called on [Stadtovved?] Train late up, getting home 6:30. - office a while after supper. Thurs. 25. 12º - morn. - N.W. stuff breeze fairish. 2º - noon. 10º - evg. Writing [Gev?] at office part of day [only?] Fri. 26. 4º - Cloudy. N.W. Fair day. 3º - in evg. N.E. gtle. - Took my lunch to office, & staid home after supper. Sat. 27. 4º - N. Easterly - gtle, Fair. 14º noon Southerly. Fair day. C. in office. P.M. [illegible] evg.
December, 1902. Sun. 21. Cloudy and 34 or 35 about all day; & N. wind & cooler evg. At church warm, & evg. Mon. 22. Cloudy, N.W. 28º & about that all day. Sleighing not entirely spoiled. C. in P.M. - Eye-ache P.M. & staid home evg & popped corm for Clara's school. Tues. 23. Cloudy, 25º S.E. Snowed from 2:30 till in night, & blowing S.W. - Supper at Model, and home 9 o'c. Wed. 24. 3º West, blizzard, - all but no snow falling. - Took noon train to Clara's school & called on [Stadtovved?] Train late up, getting home 6:30. - office a while after supper. Thurs. 25. 12º - morn. - N.W. stuff breeze fairish. 2º - noon. 10º - evg. Writing [Gev?] at office part of day [only?] Fri. 26. 4º - Cloudy. N.W. Fair day. 3º - in evg. N.E. gtle. - Took my lunch to office, & staid home after supper. Sat. 27. 4º - N. Easterly - gtle, Fair. 14º noon Southerly. Fair day. C. in office. P.M. [illegible] evg.
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