Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1918
1918-01-27 -- 1918-02-02
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awful chilly day Jan. - Feb., 1918 Sun. 27 3°-; 8°; 3°; N.E, cloudy, more snow sug. Alone to church {..} Mon. 28 2°; 13°; 1°- Fair, N.W. + 6w 8 in. new snow [illegible] night. C. H. till 5 P.M. Then office late supper. Headache P.M. and all night. Tues. 29 14°-; N.W. clear. 4° N.E, cloudy 0 [evg.?] [illegible] 8:40 to 3 - office [8 - 6?]
awful chilly day Jan. - Feb., 1918 Sun. 27 3°-; 8°; 3°; N.E, cloudy, more snow sug. Alone to church {..} Mon. 28 2°; 13°; 1°- Fair, N.W. + 6w 8 in. new snow [illegible] night. C. H. till 5 P.M. Then office late supper. Headache P.M. and all night. Tues. 29 14°-; N.W. clear. 4° N.E, cloudy 0 [evg.?] [illegible] 8:40 to 3 - office [8 - 6?]
Pioneer Lives