Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1918
1918-02-03 -- 1918-02-09
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February, 1918 Sun. 3 0 clear, N.W. brisk, 6°; 13°- All time at church, morn Mon. 4 20- clear, N.W. - 0 fair, 8°- clear. Some winter this! Late to work: C.N.U to 12; office P.M- Tues. 5 4°- S. +a little snow. 10°; Cloudy + strong S. wind. Court House 9 to 4:20. Wed. 6 20° fair (more cloudy) N.W. 32° Court House 9; Office to 9:15 pm. [Hersey?] Pratt died 1 P.M. Thurs. 7 24°; 32°; S.E, wind. Mostly cloudy. [illegible] 9 to 10:30.- Office [illegible] day. Fri. 8 21° N.E. Cloudy; 27° Furious snow squalls evg. Office 9 - all day. Sat. 9 10° clear, N. 31° fair S.W. Cleaned D.R. stove pipe morn. Office 9:30 [illegible]- except at funeral of N. H. Pratt 2 p.m. at house
February, 1918 Sun. 3 0 clear, N.W. brisk, 6°; 13°- All time at church, morn Mon. 4 20- clear, N.W. - 0 fair, 8°- clear. Some winter this! Late to work: C.N.U to 12; office P.M- Tues. 5 4°- S. +a little snow. 10°; Cloudy + strong S. wind. Court House 9 to 4:20. Wed. 6 20° fair (more cloudy) N.W. 32° Court House 9; Office to 9:15 pm. [Hersey?] Pratt died 1 P.M. Thurs. 7 24°; 32°; S.E, wind. Mostly cloudy. [illegible] 9 to 10:30.- Office [illegible] day. Fri. 8 21° N.E. Cloudy; 27° Furious snow squalls evg. Office 9 - all day. Sat. 9 10° clear, N. 31° fair S.W. Cleaned D.R. stove pipe morn. Office 9:30 [illegible]- except at funeral of N. H. Pratt 2 p.m. at house
Pioneer Lives