Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1918
1918-06-02 -- 1918-06-08
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June, 1918 Sun. 2 Fair, W. to N.W. gtle. 75° max Very fine day. At ch. morn. with Clara; Children's Day. - Girls not [illegible] evg [illegible]. Mon. 3 A little rain in night. Clouds threatening A.M. - Rainy P.M. Ther. 61° max. Garden till 9:30; office rest of day. & couple Ins. Evg. Tues. 4 Cloudy a.m.; Fair P.M. variable breezes. 59° to most 80°. Mowed till 9:30 ; Wed. 5 Rain in night & again in P.M. & evg; about 68° max. S.E. Garden till 10:30, poling peas & mowing. - Ins. & abs. rest of day; & Ins. evg. till 10 o'c. Thurs. 6 Cloudy & soggy,but faired before noon. Fair P.M. 78° N.W & cooler evg. Garden till 9; & mowed a little after supper. Then office till 10:30. Fri. 7 Cloudy morn. Fair& cool. N.W. 45 to 75° or +. Fixed coal bin morn. & hoed before supper. Office evg. till 10. Sat. 8 Partly cloudy; S.W. & 77° about Garden till 10:30. nearly total eclipse p.m. nicely seen thro' clouds. Office a while evg. 165 autos at one time.
June, 1918 Sun. 2 Fair, W. to N.W. gtle. 75° max Very fine day. At ch. morn. with Clara; Children's Day. - Girls not [illegible] evg [illegible]. Mon. 3 A little rain in night. Clouds threatening A.M. - Rainy P.M. Ther. 61° max. Garden till 9:30; office rest of day. & couple Ins. Evg. Tues. 4 Cloudy a.m.; Fair P.M. variable breezes. 59° to most 80°. Mowed till 9:30 ; Wed. 5 Rain in night & again in P.M. & evg; about 68° max. S.E. Garden till 10:30, poling peas & mowing. - Ins. & abs. rest of day; & Ins. evg. till 10 o'c. Thurs. 6 Cloudy & soggy,but faired before noon. Fair P.M. 78° N.W & cooler evg. Garden till 9; & mowed a little after supper. Then office till 10:30. Fri. 7 Cloudy morn. Fair& cool. N.W. 45 to 75° or +. Fixed coal bin morn. & hoed before supper. Office evg. till 10. Sat. 8 Partly cloudy; S.W. & 77° about Garden till 10:30. nearly total eclipse p.m. nicely seen thro' clouds. Office a while evg. 165 autos at one time.
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