Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1918
1918-06-30 -- 1918-07-06
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June-July, 1918 Sun. 30 Cloudy and cool, N.W. 62° max. Light showers p.m. & fairing. Rev. Drake preached. Clara & I only went. morn. Mon. 1 48° fair N.W. 75° max. Fair day. Office 9:30 to 6 Trimming & hoeing evg. Tues. 2 58 to 83° Fair. S. (sprinkles a.m.) Garden most all a.m.; and spading up old strawberry bed evg. Wed. 3 Thunder storm 6 am to 9; some sunshine P.M. - threatening - 80° S.E. Office most of time. Sowed Beets, carrots & turnip. [up?] July 8. Thurs. 4 Cloudy. S. & 84°. Rain P.M. & evg. Picked raspberries (a few) 3d day Had new potatoes & first beans. Office P.M. apr. am sorting paper May 8 etc. Fri. 8 Clear. N.W. 84° Office mostly. Garden morn & evg. Sat. 6 Fair a.m. - Cloudy P.M. Rainy Evg. Garden morn all a.m. spading & planted Red Valentine Beans and Golden Bantam corn.
June-July, 1918 Sun. 30 Cloudy and cool, N.W. 62° max. Light showers p.m. & fairing. Rev. Drake preached. Clara & I only went. morn. Mon. 1 48° fair N.W. 75° max. Fair day. Office 9:30 to 6 Trimming & hoeing evg. Tues. 2 58 to 83° Fair. S. (sprinkles a.m.) Garden most all a.m.; and spading up old strawberry bed evg. Wed. 3 Thunder storm 6 am to 9; some sunshine P.M. - threatening - 80° S.E. Office most of time. Sowed Beets, carrots & turnip. [up?] July 8. Thurs. 4 Cloudy. S. & 84°. Rain P.M. & evg. Picked raspberries (a few) 3d day Had new potatoes & first beans. Office P.M. apr. am sorting paper May 8 etc. Fri. 8 Clear. N.W. 84° Office mostly. Garden morn & evg. Sat. 6 Fair a.m. - Cloudy P.M. Rainy Evg. Garden morn all a.m. spading & planted Red Valentine Beans and Golden Bantam corn.
Pioneer Lives