Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1918
1918-09-29 -- 1918-10-05
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Sept. - Oct., 1918 Sun. 29 Fair, Northerly. 43 to 59°. No service morn, Rev. Williams, Welchman of Lamnet, presided evg. & he hand Dea. Ross of same place are billeted on us. Mon. 30 Clouded early morn, & 38°. Cleared, N.W. 60° max. Walked to mine gate with guests 1:30 to 3 P.M. - abstracting. Tues. 1 October 38° to 51° Light Frost, clouded up. S. Fair evg. - Abst. & Ins. - At church a while evg. Bap. Association. Wed. 2 43° to 68° S.W.-N.W. Fine. At fair, P.M. - Abt. a.m. Took a plate of Niagaras to fair (got 1st [prea/]) Thurs. 3 39 to 67° Beautiful day, but very dusty. Big crowd at Fair; there a while p.m. Abstracting rest of time. Our two Baptist guests went early morn. Fri. 4 Cloudy, S. 56° to 75° Picked the few Talman Sweet (so-called), & other jobs at home A.M. Abs. & Ins. P.M. - Sat. 5 57° to 79°; N.W. fine. Picked Malinda apples, 5 pks. Last till in April. Ins & [index?] P.M. & evg.
Sept. - Oct., 1918 Sun. 29 Fair, Northerly. 43 to 59°. No service morn, Rev. Williams, Welchman of Lamnet, presided evg. & he hand Dea. Ross of same place are billeted on us. Mon. 30 Clouded early morn, & 38°. Cleared, N.W. 60° max. Walked to mine gate with guests 1:30 to 3 P.M. - abstracting. Tues. 1 October 38° to 51° Light Frost, clouded up. S. Fair evg. - Abst. & Ins. - At church a while evg. Bap. Association. Wed. 2 43° to 68° S.W.-N.W. Fine. At fair, P.M. - Abt. a.m. Took a plate of Niagaras to fair (got 1st [prea/]) Thurs. 3 39 to 67° Beautiful day, but very dusty. Big crowd at Fair; there a while p.m. Abstracting rest of time. Our two Baptist guests went early morn. Fri. 4 Cloudy, S. 56° to 75° Picked the few Talman Sweet (so-called), & other jobs at home A.M. Abs. & Ins. P.M. - Sat. 5 57° to 79°; N.W. fine. Picked Malinda apples, 5 pks. Last till in April. Ins & [index?] P.M. & evg.
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