Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1918
1918-10-06 -- 1918-10-12
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October, 1918 Sun. 6 Fine day, N.E. gtle 67° no service; H. & I went to hear Rev. Vannice evg. Mon. 7 Fair, S.E. wind & dusty. 65° max. Laying wal of coal ocher to hen house a.m. abst. P.M. & evg. Tues. 8 Light showers in night & a.m. Fair P.M. 68° Abstracting mostly. Headache p.m. & evg. & all night Wed. 9 Fair, S.W. 76° Burning brush & cleaning stove & pike till 11 a.m. Not doing much P.M. not well. Thurs. 10 Fair a.m.; S.W.; 70° Cloudy P.M. & sprinkles. Burning leave & gathered beets & carrots 10 a.m. Abst. & Ins. P.M. & evg. - [skr?] - Hayward of National here. Fri. 11 Cloudy, S.W. gtle. 70° max. At insurance 8:30 on, & evg - A little abs. mixed in. Sat. 12 Fair, S. Wrly: 80° max. Abstracting all day Bessie [Burman?] died of Spanish Influenza at Fort Luella, Ia.
October, 1918 Sun. 6 Fine day, N.E. gtle 67° no service; H. & I went to hear Rev. Vannice evg. Mon. 7 Fair, S.E. wind & dusty. 65° max. Laying wal of coal ocher to hen house a.m. abst. P.M. & evg. Tues. 8 Light showers in night & a.m. Fair P.M. 68° Abstracting mostly. Headache p.m. & evg. & all night Wed. 9 Fair, S.W. 76° Burning brush & cleaning stove & pike till 11 a.m. Not doing much P.M. not well. Thurs. 10 Fair a.m.; S.W.; 70° Cloudy P.M. & sprinkles. Burning leave & gathered beets & carrots 10 a.m. Abst. & Ins. P.M. & evg. - [skr?] - Hayward of National here. Fri. 11 Cloudy, S.W. gtle. 70° max. At insurance 8:30 on, & evg - A little abs. mixed in. Sat. 12 Fair, S. Wrly: 80° max. Abstracting all day Bessie [Burman?] died of Spanish Influenza at Fort Luella, Ia.
Pioneer Lives