Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1918
1918-10-20 -- 1918-10-26
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October, 1918 Sun. 20 Fair, N.W 47 to 64°. All quiet. Mon. 21 Fair, S.E. 38. (slight frost) 65° max. About home till 11+; office P.M. church [afrs?] evg. Tues. 22 Gentle rainy; S. to W. 51° max. Office - church [afes?] & Ins. & evg. a while Wed. 23 Cloudy, southerly 63° Garden &c. till 11 a.m. Office P.M. & 1 hr. evg. Thurs. 24 Cloudy. Northerly, 51°. Garden till 10:30. Office P.M. Transplanted rhubarb Fri. 25 35° N. cloudy. Fair P.M. 48° - A touch of frost. Office most all the time. Sat. 26 C. sold 9 chicks & 5 hens, 61 lbs. all at 20c 12.20 Cloudy; N.E. & light rain. 44° max. - Office all day (short hours) & a little head-ache
October, 1918 Sun. 20 Fair, N.W 47 to 64°. All quiet. Mon. 21 Fair, S.E. 38. (slight frost) 65° max. About home till 11+; office P.M. church [afrs?] evg. Tues. 22 Gentle rainy; S. to W. 51° max. Office - church [afes?] & Ins. & evg. a while Wed. 23 Cloudy, southerly 63° Garden &c. till 11 a.m. Office P.M. & 1 hr. evg. Thurs. 24 Cloudy. Northerly, 51°. Garden till 10:30. Office P.M. Transplanted rhubarb Fri. 25 35° N. cloudy. Fair P.M. 48° - A touch of frost. Office most all the time. Sat. 26 C. sold 9 chicks & 5 hens, 61 lbs. all at 20c 12.20 Cloudy; N.E. & light rain. 44° max. - Office all day (short hours) & a little head-ache
Pioneer Lives