Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1918
1918-12-01 -- 1918-12-07
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December, 1918 Sun. 1 24° to 31° S., snowing a little all day, adding a couple of inches. - Laymen's enlistment day. Mon. 2 19° W. cloudy 26° max. Snow in air all day. Ins. morn., abst. p.m. 20° evg. Tues. 3 34° S.W. & 20° evg. N.W. cloudy. Abstracting. Wed. 4 24° to 34°, N.W. fair. Insurance all day. & abst evg. till 9. Thurs. 5 25 to 40; S.wind. Cloudy morn. fair pm Abstracting all day & PM evg. till 10:30 + Fri. 6 19° fair, E. 31° S.E. wind Abstracting mostly, but got up late. Dr. Stillman treating old stump of tooth, growling all last night. Sat 7 25° S.W. fair. 40° again. 5 Various duties to-day. & [visiting?] George evg.
December, 1918 Sun. 1 24° to 31° S., snowing a little all day, adding a couple of inches. - Laymen's enlistment day. Mon. 2 19° W. cloudy 26° max. Snow in air all day. Ins. morn., abst. p.m. 20° evg. Tues. 3 34° S.W. & 20° evg. N.W. cloudy. Abstracting. Wed. 4 24° to 34°, N.W. fair. Insurance all day. & abst evg. till 9. Thurs. 5 25 to 40; S.wind. Cloudy morn. fair pm Abstracting all day & PM evg. till 10:30 + Fri. 6 19° fair, E. 31° S.E. wind Abstracting mostly, but got up late. Dr. Stillman treating old stump of tooth, growling all last night. Sat 7 25° S.W. fair. 40° again. 5 Various duties to-day. & [visiting?] George evg.
Pioneer Lives