Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1918
1918-12-29 -- 1919-01-04
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December, 1918 Sun. 29 19 to 24°; Fog & rime. S.W. to S.E. to N.E. gtle. At Sunday School a while. P.A. Anderson called P.M. - Also Dwight Sherman later, & concluded to defer church canvass. Mon. 30 19 to 28°; cloudy: East wind. 1/2 in. snow evg. Some abstracting, & church [akes?] Tues. 31 About 24 or so all day. Cloudy. Northerly gtle. Abstracting. Snow & colder Evg. Wed. Jan 1 - 1919 = 19 to 21° and 10 in. or more of fluffy snow, morn. Quiet. Fair a while. then air full of snow 1 in. P.M. - Clear evg 2° - (first time) N.W. - At office 3 1/2 hrs or 4 Thurs. Jan 2 14°- , 2° - Clear. West. Abstracting. Jan. 3. 16°-; 5°-; 19°- Fair, N.W. - Abstracting. Jan. 4 20° - S.W. cloudy; 7° - S.E. Snow; 5°- Insurance & church afr chiefly, but a very short not home all 7:30 evg.
December, 1918 Sun. 29 19 to 24°; Fog & rime. S.W. to S.E. to N.E. gtle. At Sunday School a while. P.A. Anderson called P.M. - Also Dwight Sherman later, & concluded to defer church canvass. Mon. 30 19 to 28°; cloudy: East wind. 1/2 in. snow evg. Some abstracting, & church [akes?] Tues. 31 About 24 or so all day. Cloudy. Northerly gtle. Abstracting. Snow & colder Evg. Wed. Jan 1 - 1919 = 19 to 21° and 10 in. or more of fluffy snow, morn. Quiet. Fair a while. then air full of snow 1 in. P.M. - Clear evg 2° - (first time) N.W. - At office 3 1/2 hrs or 4 Thurs. Jan 2 14°- , 2° - Clear. West. Abstracting. Jan. 3. 16°-; 5°-; 19°- Fair, N.W. - Abstracting. Jan. 4 20° - S.W. cloudy; 7° - S.E. Snow; 5°- Insurance & church afr chiefly, but a very short not home all 7:30 evg.
Pioneer Lives