Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1918
1919-01-12 -- 1919-01-16
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Memoranda 1919 Jan. 12 th 26° to 37°; cloudy, S.E. wind. All there at church morn. (13th) 28 to 37°; mostly fair, N.W. Miscellaneous office work & evg till 10:30 church accts. (14th) 21 to 33° Fair, N.W. Cleaned stove-pipe morn. Abs. P.M. - Evg an hour. Mission Circle met with C. (15th) 14° to 29° Mostly fair. S.W. called on Mr Lathrop am., & found him helpless & speechless. Wrote G.S. & Dell. (16th) 27 to 41°. Fair. S.W. Abstracting 8:45 to 9:30 pm 26 to 40° mostly fair. SW. Busy abs. A.M. & [mis ab.?] pm 29° to 40° Fair morn., & spkle of rain P.M.
Memoranda 1919 Jan. 12 th 26° to 37°; cloudy, S.E. wind. All there at church morn. (13th) 28 to 37°; mostly fair, N.W. Miscellaneous office work & evg till 10:30 church accts. (14th) 21 to 33° Fair, N.W. Cleaned stove-pipe morn. Abs. P.M. - Evg an hour. Mission Circle met with C. (15th) 14° to 29° Mostly fair. S.W. called on Mr Lathrop am., & found him helpless & speechless. Wrote G.S. & Dell. (16th) 27 to 41°. Fair. S.W. Abstracting 8:45 to 9:30 pm 26 to 40° mostly fair. SW. Busy abs. A.M. & [mis ab.?] pm 29° to 40° Fair morn., & spkle of rain P.M.
Pioneer Lives