Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1921
1921-01-09 -- 1921-01-15
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January, 1921 Sun. 9 10 to 25; Fair, S.W. all 3 at church morn & I again evg. Rev. J. A. Sokwar Mr. Hewit died Mon. 10 23 to 30; Fair, N.W. Abs. & church work; home evg. Tues. 11 14 to 25; Fair, N.W. wind & snow squalls. Abs. &c.. home evg. Wed. 12 3°- to 15°; Fair. N.W. Abst. Home evg. Thurs. 13 6 to 17; S.E. snow almost 5 or 6 in P.M. - sleighing abst. & accts. - Home evg. Fri. 14 10 to 24; Westerly; Light snow most all day. C's club met with her. Work dull; home evg. Sat. 15 3°- to 14°; Fair, N.W. morn. S.E. wind & some snow p.m. Home evg.
January, 1921 Sun. 9 10 to 25; Fair, S.W. all 3 at church morn & I again evg. Rev. J. A. Sokwar Mr. Hewit died Mon. 10 23 to 30; Fair, N.W. Abs. & church work; home evg. Tues. 11 14 to 25; Fair, N.W. wind & snow squalls. Abs. &c.. home evg. Wed. 12 3°- to 15°; Fair. N.W. Abst. Home evg. Thurs. 13 6 to 17; S.E. snow almost 5 or 6 in P.M. - sleighing abst. & accts. - Home evg. Fri. 14 10 to 24; Westerly; Light snow most all day. C's club met with her. Work dull; home evg. Sat. 15 3°- to 14°; Fair, N.W. morn. S.E. wind & some snow p.m. Home evg.
Pioneer Lives