Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1921
1921-02-06 -- 1921-02-12
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February, 1921 Sun. 6 10 to 20° : Cloudy, N. E. [gtle?]. - Snow all p.m. At S.S. to collect. Mon. 7 Fair. 15 to 30°, N.E. Sleighing: some 6 in. snow Very busy. Home evg. Tues. 8 20-31° Easterly & Snow all A.M. - say 3 in. or + Busy abs. - Evg. a [illegible] In at K.C. [Illegible] 9:30 to 10 +. Wed. 9 12 to 30°, Fair, var. breeze Busy - office evg. Thurs. 10 25 to 36° Cloudy & still; N.E. light snow all a.m. [illegible] I had dinner at the church. Abstracting : office evg. Fri. 11 27 to 35° cloudy & a light melting snow all day. Clear evg. & vision of moon & Venus con[illeg,]ation. Trying to abstract y Recorder's Clerk's offices all tom [illegible] for improvements. Evg. at Court Club a while. Sat. 12 26 fog, S 38 [degrees] Fair Odds & ends @ work. Recorder's office practically closed. Office a while evg. Ins.
February, 1921 Sun. 6 10 to 20° : Cloudy, N. E. [gtle?]. - Snow all p.m. At S.S. to collect. Mon. 7 Fair. 15 to 30°, N.E. Sleighing: some 6 in. snow Very busy. Home evg. Tues. 8 20-31° Easterly & Snow all A.M. - say 3 in. or + Busy abs. - Evg. a [illegible] In at K.C. [Illegible] 9:30 to 10 +. Wed. 9 12 to 30°, Fair, var. breeze Busy - office evg. Thurs. 10 25 to 36° Cloudy & still; N.E. light snow all a.m. [illegible] I had dinner at the church. Abstracting : office evg. Fri. 11 27 to 35° cloudy & a light melting snow all day. Clear evg. & vision of moon & Venus con[illeg,]ation. Trying to abstract y Recorder's Clerk's offices all tom [illegible] for improvements. Evg. at Court Club a while. Sat. 12 26 fog, S 38 [degrees] Fair Odds & ends @ work. Recorder's office practically closed. Office a while evg. Ins.
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