Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1921
1921-06-26 -- 1921-07-02
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June--July, 1921 Sun. 26 Mostly cloudy, 85, [illegible] light th. showers p.m. At S.S. for collection; pastor at N.B. Con. at Des Moines. Mon. 27 Mostly cloudy, 87°, light shower P.M. Cleaned stove & pipe morn. & mowed Evg. Abst. rest of day. & H & I at Chautauqua Evg. Tues. 28 Fair, hot & threatening over 90. Trimming grass & weeds, morn. Abst. - evg. also Began on Raspberries & Beans. Wed. 29 Fair & hot. Over 90. Trimming morn. Abst. rest of day; Evg a while. Thurs. 30 Fair & threatening, 90 & over - S. breezy Howing morn. Odds & Ends at office. Began taking Ice. [underline] July. Fri. 1 Fair, 90° or + S. breeze - Mowing morn & Evg. Abst. Had new potatoes Sat. 2 Fair morn Cloudy, only 81 or 2 [illegible] but [illegible] warmer. Copiious showers P.M. Garden till 9; abst., and [Feed.?] [after.] Evg.
June--July, 1921 Sun. 26 Mostly cloudy, 85, [illegible] light th. showers p.m. At S.S. for collection; pastor at N.B. Con. at Des Moines. Mon. 27 Mostly cloudy, 87°, light shower P.M. Cleaned stove & pipe morn. & mowed Evg. Abst. rest of day. & H & I at Chautauqua Evg. Tues. 28 Fair, hot & threatening over 90. Trimming grass & weeds, morn. Abst. - evg. also Began on Raspberries & Beans. Wed. 29 Fair & hot. Over 90. Trimming morn. Abst. rest of day; Evg a while. Thurs. 30 Fair & threatening, 90 & over - S. breezy Howing morn. Odds & Ends at office. Began taking Ice. [underline] July. Fri. 1 Fair, 90° or + S. breeze - Mowing morn & Evg. Abst. Had new potatoes Sat. 2 Fair morn Cloudy, only 81 or 2 [illegible] but [illegible] warmer. Copiious showers P.M. Garden till 9; abst., and [Feed.?] [after.] Evg.
Pioneer Lives