Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1921
1921-07-31 -- 1921-08-06
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July--Aug., 1921 Sun. 31 Fair; N.W. to N.E. 76° C. & I at church morn. Mon. August. 1 Rain 62° East. Gentle & steady most all day. - Abstracting: Evg. a while. Wrote Dr. Bowen at New Sanitarium. Prairie du Chien. Tues. 2 Fair & cool, N. Easterly, 76° Abst. mostly. Evg. accts. Wed. 3 Fair, S. W.erly; 80°. Abstracting. Thurs. 4 Fair, S.W. 80° Abstracting p.m. Fixing hen yard gates a.m., and Kelley laying cement floor for new [illegible]. Fri. 5 Fair, S. - about the same [illegible]. after dinner. Abstracting: Ins. Evg. Sat. 6 Fair, S. S. 76° Miscel. work & Ins Evg. N.W. & much cooler Evg.
July--Aug., 1921 Sun. 31 Fair; N.W. to N.E. 76° C. & I at church morn. Mon. August. 1 Rain 62° East. Gentle & steady most all day. - Abstracting: Evg. a while. Wrote Dr. Bowen at New Sanitarium. Prairie du Chien. Tues. 2 Fair & cool, N. Easterly, 76° Abst. mostly. Evg. accts. Wed. 3 Fair, S. W.erly; 80°. Abstracting. Thurs. 4 Fair, S.W. 80° Abstracting p.m. Fixing hen yard gates a.m., and Kelley laying cement floor for new [illegible]. Fri. 5 Fair, S. - about the same [illegible]. after dinner. Abstracting: Ins. Evg. Sat. 6 Fair, S. S. 76° Miscel. work & Ins Evg. N.W. & much cooler Evg.
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