Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1921
1921-09-18 -- 1921-09-24
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N.W. almost a [illegible] September, 1921 Sun. 18 Another glorious day: about 70, easterly p.m. Wife & I at church morn. Mon. 19 Cold rainy day [both underlined], E wind 60°. [both underlined] Warmer Evg. & more rain. [both underlined] thunder shower - Abst. - & evg. Tues. 20 Fair morn., S.W. 78° m. Threatening p.m. & th. showers [heavily underlined] Evg. An hour at dentist Johnson (or Cameron), then abst. & various. Evg. a while. More rain [both underlined] & wind Wed. 21 Fair & cool, windy. [underlined] S.W. to N.W. - 70 max. Abst all day & part of Evg. Rains [underlined] evg. Thurs. 22 Fine day [both underlined]; N.W. 77° max Abstracting; office Evg. Fri. 23 Fair, S.E. to S.W - 74° Shucking Walnuts morn. A little of all sorts of work. Evg. a/cs Sat. 24 Cloudy, Westerly, 70° Rainy [underlined] P.M. & evg. [underlined]. Abstracting: Ins. Evg.
N.W. almost a [illegible] September, 1921 Sun. 18 Another glorious day: about 70, easterly p.m. Wife & I at church morn. Mon. 19 Cold rainy day [both underlined], E wind 60°. [both underlined] Warmer Evg. & more rain. [both underlined] thunder shower - Abst. - & evg. Tues. 20 Fair morn., S.W. 78° m. Threatening p.m. & th. showers [heavily underlined] Evg. An hour at dentist Johnson (or Cameron), then abst. & various. Evg. a while. More rain [both underlined] & wind Wed. 21 Fair & cool, windy. [underlined] S.W. to N.W. - 70 max. Abst all day & part of Evg. Rains [underlined] evg. Thurs. 22 Fine day [both underlined]; N.W. 77° max Abstracting; office Evg. Fri. 23 Fair, S.E. to S.W - 74° Shucking Walnuts morn. A little of all sorts of work. Evg. a/cs Sat. 24 Cloudy, Westerly, 70° Rainy [underlined] P.M. & evg. [underlined]. Abstracting: Ins. Evg.
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