Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1921
1921-10-09 -- 1921-10-15
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October, 1921 Sun. 9 50° at 7:30; partly fair 59°. N.E. - Raining Evg. [both underlined] Wife & I at church morn. Mon. 10 32° to about 46°, cloudy N.W. Abstracting mostly - Evg, till 9:30 Tues. 11 38° N. spkles. Cloudy, N'rly 48° Abstract mostly; Evg. also. Wed. 12 35° Northerly. Fair. 58° At dentist's [both underlined], morn. 1 1/2 hr. Abst. mostly; Evg also. Arthur Clyde called, Evg. Thurs. 13 S.W. Fair, 60 & windy. Abstracting, Ins. Evg. Fri. 14 Fair, S. wind, [underlined] 70° Ins. & abstracting & evg. Sat. 15 Shower early, then fine day; 68° Abstracting; [&c?] evg. Cleaned stove-pipe [all underlined] morn.
October, 1921 Sun. 9 50° at 7:30; partly fair 59°. N.E. - Raining Evg. [both underlined] Wife & I at church morn. Mon. 10 32° to about 46°, cloudy N.W. Abstracting mostly - Evg, till 9:30 Tues. 11 38° N. spkles. Cloudy, N'rly 48° Abstract mostly; Evg. also. Wed. 12 35° Northerly. Fair. 58° At dentist's [both underlined], morn. 1 1/2 hr. Abst. mostly; Evg also. Arthur Clyde called, Evg. Thurs. 13 S.W. Fair, 60 & windy. Abstracting, Ins. Evg. Fri. 14 Fair, S. wind, [underlined] 70° Ins. & abstracting & evg. Sat. 15 Shower early, then fine day; 68° Abstracting; [&c?] evg. Cleaned stove-pipe [all underlined] morn.
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