Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1921
1921-11-13 -- 1921-11-19
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November, 1921 Sun. 13 2 in. more snow. Cloudy and snowy. Chilly [double underlined] wind [underlined] S.E. to N.W. var. 24° to 30°. At church alone morn. [Illegible] out to Girls' Guide. evg. Mon. 14 Cloudy A.M. Fair P.M. 24° to 32° Work as usual. Evg. abst. Tues. 15 27° Fair, S. 40° max. Cloudy A.M. Abst. mostly, Ins. Evg. H. & I put on storm windows yesterday & to-day. North window staid on all summer. Wed. 16 36° cloudy, S.E. 42° max. Snow melted fast to-day Abs. & Ins. Evg. also. Thurs. 17 Cold East wind, and fine misty rain; about 38°. Abst. & Ins. Home evg. H. covered the roses. (& strawberries Friday & Sat.) Fri. 18 32 cloudy. W. Snow p.m. & Evg. Abs. & Ins. Office Evg. Sat. 19 22 to 30, N. 1 in. snow - Odd jobs & wrote Ge[illegible]
November, 1921 Sun. 13 2 in. more snow. Cloudy and snowy. Chilly [double underlined] wind [underlined] S.E. to N.W. var. 24° to 30°. At church alone morn. [Illegible] out to Girls' Guide. evg. Mon. 14 Cloudy A.M. Fair P.M. 24° to 32° Work as usual. Evg. abst. Tues. 15 27° Fair, S. 40° max. Cloudy A.M. Abst. mostly, Ins. Evg. H. & I put on storm windows yesterday & to-day. North window staid on all summer. Wed. 16 36° cloudy, S.E. 42° max. Snow melted fast to-day Abs. & Ins. Evg. also. Thurs. 17 Cold East wind, and fine misty rain; about 38°. Abst. & Ins. Home evg. H. covered the roses. (& strawberries Friday & Sat.) Fri. 18 32 cloudy. W. Snow p.m. & Evg. Abs. & Ins. Office Evg. Sat. 19 22 to 30, N. 1 in. snow - Odd jobs & wrote Ge[illegible]
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