Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1921
1921-12-11 -- 1921-12-17
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December, 1921 Sun. 11 Raining; S. 40° NW. Evg. Wife & I at church morn. and H. with us at Young Choir Service Evg. Double murders [both underlined] of Frankville to-day. Mon. 12 27° S. snowing morn.; 37° max. N.W. evg. Got in wood, morn. Church a/cs. Then abst. P.M. & Evg. Another murder [underlined] teacher near Worchester. Tues. 13 32 to 38° light var. breeze. Mostly [underlined] cloudy Abstracting, evg. also & accts. Wed. 14 32 to 42, light N.W. breeze. Mostly [underlined] fair. Abstracting. Ins Evg. Thurs. 15 33 to 40: cloudy. S. wind. Abstracting mostly. Ins. Evg. Fri. 16 35 to 45 Rainy. Snow after 4:30. 2 or 3 in. evg. Abstracting all day, & Evg. Sat. 17 15°, 13°, & 7°. N.W. Snow. About 3 in. of frozen snow on I [illegible] stormy Evg. Abst. & not to supper till 7:30
December, 1921 Sun. 11 Raining; S. 40° NW. Evg. Wife & I at church morn. and H. with us at Young Choir Service Evg. Double murders [both underlined] of Frankville to-day. Mon. 12 27° S. snowing morn.; 37° max. N.W. evg. Got in wood, morn. Church a/cs. Then abst. P.M. & Evg. Another murder [underlined] teacher near Worchester. Tues. 13 32 to 38° light var. breeze. Mostly [underlined] cloudy Abstracting, evg. also & accts. Wed. 14 32 to 42, light N.W. breeze. Mostly [underlined] fair. Abstracting. Ins Evg. Thurs. 15 33 to 40: cloudy. S. wind. Abstracting mostly. Ins. Evg. Fri. 16 35 to 45 Rainy. Snow after 4:30. 2 or 3 in. evg. Abstracting all day, & Evg. Sat. 17 15°, 13°, & 7°. N.W. Snow. About 3 in. of frozen snow on I [illegible] stormy Evg. Abst. & not to supper till 7:30
Pioneer Lives