Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1921
Cash Account -- March
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CASH ACCOUNT. MARCH 1 milk for Feb Paid 3.46 Table-31-35-10- Paid .76 Other - 25- Paid .25 Self - 30-40-20-17-35 Paid 1.42 Meds. 11 Paid .11 Meats-60-65-60-50-40 Paid 2. 75 Fruits 15-1.-14- Paid 1.29 Confess. [illegible] 20-25-29. Paid .65 Laundry - 33-29-25- Paid .87 Box 60 7th Register Paid 1.75 Postg.50-10 [Illegible]- 3-3-3-30- Paid 1.32 Church-50-50-50-50-1.00 Paid 3.00 4 City Water 3 mos. to 2/28 Paid 1.00 4 Elec. Lights Feb Paid .60 4 phone for Mar. Paid 1.25 4 Seeds (C.M. [illegible] Rec'd 1.00 Paid 4.15 4 Reporter Standard Paid 2.00 5 Harriet 1.00-1.00-1.00-1.00 Paid 4.00 12 Amusements 60- Paid .60 21 F.A.U. Paid 8.55 28 M.B.A. Paid 3.04 31 M.W.A. Paid 1.70 21 1/2 Tax 1920 Paid 29.10 31 2 seats Hamlet Paid 2.20 31 2 bu. Green Mtn. pota. Mrs. R.S. Paid 2.50 31 Hale of Egs, 9@.20 x Paid 1.80 31 H[illegible] - 6 5/12 . 20 Paid 1.30 31 Barber Paid 1.10 [totalled] rec'd 1.00 82.52 paid office rec'd 272.45 315.06 paid [E. & O.?] rec'd 2.05 1st & 31st- rec'd 349.22 229.14 paid [totalled] rec'd 624.76 624.72 paid 3 1st Pas. N. Bank Paid 144.71 1st N. Bank Paid 80.50 cash Paid 1.92 [totalled] 227.13 paid
CASH ACCOUNT. MARCH 1 milk for Feb Paid 3.46 Table-31-35-10- Paid .76 Other - 25- Paid .25 Self - 30-40-20-17-35 Paid 1.42 Meds. 11 Paid .11 Meats-60-65-60-50-40 Paid 2. 75 Fruits 15-1.-14- Paid 1.29 Confess. [illegible] 20-25-29. Paid .65 Laundry - 33-29-25- Paid .87 Box 60 7th Register Paid 1.75 Postg.50-10 [Illegible]- 3-3-3-30- Paid 1.32 Church-50-50-50-50-1.00 Paid 3.00 4 City Water 3 mos. to 2/28 Paid 1.00 4 Elec. Lights Feb Paid .60 4 phone for Mar. Paid 1.25 4 Seeds (C.M. [illegible] Rec'd 1.00 Paid 4.15 4 Reporter Standard Paid 2.00 5 Harriet 1.00-1.00-1.00-1.00 Paid 4.00 12 Amusements 60- Paid .60 21 F.A.U. Paid 8.55 28 M.B.A. Paid 3.04 31 M.W.A. Paid 1.70 21 1/2 Tax 1920 Paid 29.10 31 2 seats Hamlet Paid 2.20 31 2 bu. Green Mtn. pota. Mrs. R.S. Paid 2.50 31 Hale of Egs, 9@.20 x Paid 1.80 31 H[illegible] - 6 5/12 . 20 Paid 1.30 31 Barber Paid 1.10 [totalled] rec'd 1.00 82.52 paid office rec'd 272.45 315.06 paid [E. & O.?] rec'd 2.05 1st & 31st- rec'd 349.22 229.14 paid [totalled] rec'd 624.76 624.72 paid 3 1st Pas. N. Bank Paid 144.71 1st N. Bank Paid 80.50 cash Paid 1.92 [totalled] 227.13 paid
Pioneer Lives