Joseph McDill letters, 1871-1908
1871-06-08 Page 1
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T.E. Palmer & Son, dealers in Stoves. Heavy & Shelf Hardware Chariton IA June 8th 1871 Mr J B McDill Deer friend I received yours of May 29th yesterday & telegraphed to you this morning to send it by express to me at Chariton if you should not get the dispatch you can know by this & send it as soon as you receive this to "The Pressly Cheriton Tower" By Express" please tell Mr Mcgrew that I am a thousand & one times obliged to him for paying it so soon. you must pay your self for your trouble out of this mony
T.E. Palmer & Son, dealers in Stoves. Heavy & Shelf Hardware Chariton IA June 8th 1871 Mr J B McDill Deer friend I received yours of May 29th yesterday & telegraphed to you this morning to send it by express to me at Chariton if you should not get the dispatch you can know by this & send it as soon as you receive this to "The Pressly Cheriton Tower" By Express" please tell Mr Mcgrew that I am a thousand & one times obliged to him for paying it so soon. you must pay your self for your trouble out of this mony
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