Hancock family diary, 1888
1888-07-03 -- 1888-07-04
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Tuesday, July 3, 1888 As warm, & breezey, with promise A.M. & great fall of rain P.M. great injuries & one or more deaths about here, by lightening. About as usual with our folks think, & occupied much same but rain prevented enjoying visit from Mrs Howe & Bessie, as had expected. As well self, & with extra sweeping & "cleaning up", spending day much same, but Mrs Brayton with me some, helping refit & "make over" white basque somewhat. Wednesday 4 Not as warm, pleasant A.M. with threatenings of rain last P.M. but think none fell hereabouts. Waukon celebrated (as expected) but great fall of rain yesterday prevented delivering oration in Hay's grove, but in hall instead. Ellery's family took dinner at Father Wedgewood's, as I did also, & where spent most P.M. & with them down by B- church in eve. for good view of "Fire Works" opposite court house. I learned sad news of Emma Spaulding being drowned this A.M. trouble for all indeed.
Tuesday, July 3, 1888 As warm, & breezey, with promise A.M. & great fall of rain P.M. great injuries & one or more deaths about here, by lightening. About as usual with our folks think, & occupied much same but rain prevented enjoying visit from Mrs Howe & Bessie, as had expected. As well self, & with extra sweeping & "cleaning up", spending day much same, but Mrs Brayton with me some, helping refit & "make over" white basque somewhat. Wednesday 4 Not as warm, pleasant A.M. with threatenings of rain last P.M. but think none fell hereabouts. Waukon celebrated (as expected) but great fall of rain yesterday prevented delivering oration in Hay's grove, but in hall instead. Ellery's family took dinner at Father Wedgewood's, as I did also, & where spent most P.M. & with them down by B- church in eve. for good view of "Fire Works" opposite court house. I learned sad news of Emma Spaulding being drowned this A.M. trouble for all indeed.
Pioneer Lives