Hancock family diary, 1888
1888-10-03 -- 1888-10-04
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Wednesday, Oct. 3, 1888 Earth frozen this morn- but warmer than yesterday P.M. tho' only 58° & quite pleasant. Others as well, & Charlotte better tho' jaw sore & tender of course, but busy as ever at usual duties, putting up of fruit still included. Mr & Mrs Wedgwood left for Hawkeye to visit Millie Adams & short rest. Quite as well self tho' no extra strength, & taking it easy with regular routine, comc'd "undershirt" for knitting. Thursday 4 Less cool, with but little frost, & Mercury 70° P.M. About as usual with our folks, think, & spending day much the same, tho' perhaps Ellery was spending more of time at care of vegetables. Better self after good nights rest & spending day much the same, only for extra work of taking up carpet in my chamber with Ellery's help last part of A.M.
Wednesday, Oct. 3, 1888 Earth frozen this morn- but warmer than yesterday P.M. tho' only 58° & quite pleasant. Others as well, & Charlotte better tho' jaw sore & tender of course, but busy as ever at usual duties, putting up of fruit still included. Mr & Mrs Wedgwood left for Hawkeye to visit Millie Adams & short rest. Quite as well self tho' no extra strength, & taking it easy with regular routine, comc'd "undershirt" for knitting. Thursday 4 Less cool, with but little frost, & Mercury 70° P.M. About as usual with our folks, think, & spending day much the same, tho' perhaps Ellery was spending more of time at care of vegetables. Better self after good nights rest & spending day much the same, only for extra work of taking up carpet in my chamber with Ellery's help last part of A.M.
Pioneer Lives