Hancock family diary, 1879
1879-06-25 -- 1879-06-26
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Rose went to Frankville this eve June 25 Wednesday Pleasant after cleaned up in morning. After good nights rest all well this A.M. Mrs. Hanscom stopping with us till P.M., I kept busy mending & talking by spells enjoying it much. After finishing up work in P.M. had a rest & quite a nap, rest of time taking it easy as could & have a starved kitten sometime about, over which Ellery made great parade, so we sent it to him at office in eve. June 26 Not as pleasant, hard showers in A.M., but cleared away & road dried so I was down "shopping" with Mrs Howe last of P.M., after which I attended B- Nite Society. Then out awhile with Nettie Hall, home about 8 o,c, Lena & Anna here most of eve. Finishing letter this A.M. (commenced last eve) to Charlotte
Rose went to Frankville this eve June 25 Wednesday Pleasant after cleaned up in morning. After good nights rest all well this A.M. Mrs. Hanscom stopping with us till P.M., I kept busy mending & talking by spells enjoying it much. After finishing up work in P.M. had a rest & quite a nap, rest of time taking it easy as could & have a starved kitten sometime about, over which Ellery made great parade, so we sent it to him at office in eve. June 26 Not as pleasant, hard showers in A.M., but cleared away & road dried so I was down "shopping" with Mrs Howe last of P.M., after which I attended B- Nite Society. Then out awhile with Nettie Hall, home about 8 o,c, Lena & Anna here most of eve. Finishing letter this A.M. (commenced last eve) to Charlotte
Pioneer Lives