Hancock family diary, 1879
1879-06-29 -- 1879-06-30
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June 29 Sunday Pleasant, & still seeming cool in morning. I tho't to go to church went in to see Rose, (found them at breakfast) who came from Frankville last eve about time to be thinking of going to church, Stewart came in for reading, which made Ellery very late, & I gave up going, spent day reading, a most lovely eve - E- started off soon after tea, but not at church, guess if so, very long sermon. June 30 Pleasant, & warmer we put off washing & worked on currants (Anna picking) & picking & shelling peas in A.M. had juice all strained from currants, so set about making jelly after dinner not through till about 3 o,c, tho' only made 1 qt but nice & clear. Mrs Howe in awhile & Estelle in for my linen sack (which Mrs Spaulding had cut & just bro't in) to take home to make late when all done
June 29 Sunday Pleasant, & still seeming cool in morning. I tho't to go to church went in to see Rose, (found them at breakfast) who came from Frankville last eve about time to be thinking of going to church, Stewart came in for reading, which made Ellery very late, & I gave up going, spent day reading, a most lovely eve - E- started off soon after tea, but not at church, guess if so, very long sermon. June 30 Pleasant, & warmer we put off washing & worked on currants (Anna picking) & picking & shelling peas in A.M. had juice all strained from currants, so set about making jelly after dinner not through till about 3 o,c, tho' only made 1 qt but nice & clear. Mrs Howe in awhile & Estelle in for my linen sack (which Mrs Spaulding had cut & just bro't in) to take home to make late when all done
Pioneer Lives